URGENT- San Jac and Wister Online Meeting May 30th! Get this out to All SoCal hunters!!

PS: Have any of you heard about this before right now?

Please let me know if you have… and please respond if you will attend as well

I guess we should be grateful for anything considering how little we get but this does NOT replace an open in person meeting that is well publicized in advance and gives input opportunities to plans . It feels like it’s a placating gesture to appear that requirements are being met . Sorry for sour grapes but not meeting MY hopes and doubt I’ll be placated . Sorry, Oldquack 49
Most people will be at work. I always attend the CDFW Commission meeting and there is never a large hunter/fishermen turn out. Always more anti's. The good thing is the commission always seems to be greatful for the sportsmen and women who do show at their meetings. As I've learned many of the CDFW people at these meeting do hunt & fish and put stock in what we say.
Those of you that hunt Wister - and can’t make it… send me your input for the meeting.

If you can attend, please do.
Any reports from today’s online meeting ? I’m so computer illiterate that not only couldn’t I sit in on it but tried to leave my input with Duckfan with no success . Good thing I shoot better than my media skills . Old Quack 49
I attended the meeting...They basically went over what the state is doing, what CWA is doing, and what is going to be done at both San J and Wister...I do believe the effort is there and that they seem to be hearing the hunters input...One thing mentioned is, they are going to lay down gravel to some of the island blinds and they are going to add the pushed out spots (forget the word Chad used) on the dikes where the blind stake will be...The 100 yd radius will be from there.

Discussed the mowing of tulies and how little it really helps...I'm hoping my suggestion of opening areas around the blind stake would be more beneficial...Chris (Supp 2 at Wister) sounds like he's very involved.

Chris also mentioned they lost the roof (or part of it) on the check station...I know that Friends of Wister years ago put on the roof they had...May be time to get a work party together and tackle that job again.

I believe that San Jacinto is pretty much turn key and it seems to be status quo...There will be additional sites on Mystic lake with it being at full capacity.

Despite short notice and the difficulty I had getting on the meeting...I thought it went well.

Thank you Steve ! I appreciate your report and involvement sharing hunter concerns at Wister . I have been open in my concerns about loss of hunting sites through access or overgrowth and feeling that our input has not been sought nor heard . Better communication and involvement through work days or Friends of Wister type projects would help in my opinion . I know there isn’t a question in there but appreciate the effort . Old Quack 49
Nothing on habitat! mowing good ,need some food in the ponds

They did mention spring irrigation of timothy and bulrush...Planting of millet in Y15's and I do believe W11's...S20 and S22 were also mentioned...312 has been mowed or is in the process of being mowed...Despite how bad discing is to walk in, the tulies need to be exposed.
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They presented their work efforts via slide show.

I have asked Scott to post the ores ration up online. I followed up after the meeting and sent him an email ( per his request) to remind him to do that.

Hopefully that will happen soon and everyone can see what they presented.

I am not sure it meeting was recorded

Thanks Steve and others for speaking
They presented their work efforts via slide show.

I have asked Scott to post the ores ration up online. I followed up after the meeting and sent him an email ( per his request) to remind him to do that.

Hopefully that will happen soon and everyone can see what they presented.

I am not sure it meeting was recorded

Thanks Steve and others for speaking

Thank you, Rick....We need more folks like you down here in SoCal....... :blush: