Vaccinated People…

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Ethically impossible to come up with a vaccine within 7 years according to the IACUC, who governs medical studies on animals and humans with several phases/trials before it get to human trials. What this tells me is either one of two things,...... 1) someone knew about it and has had ample time(3+ years) to develop a vaccine which means it was a planned release, or 2) everyone getting this vaccine is just a test subject for the government .......
Day 9?

That sucks! purple Choad..the thing is..when your as symptomatic as me...the doc won't see you until you start to really tank..a real comforting
SARS was discovered in China in 2002 caused by Corona virus. Severe acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars Cov). It spread to 2 doz countries before it was contained. in 2004 China had an outbreak resulting from a laboratory aquired infection. Because of concern of reemergence, vaccine developement was initiated. They had a head start on Covid 19 vaccine. This is how they developed the vaccine so quickly.
Just mandated. All hunters for deer season must show the deer your vaccine card prior to shooting. Also, all hunters must wear mask prior to entering deer hunting zones.... Lol
Copies amounts of morning cocktail has changed drastically in the last week ..ha!
Taking any therapeutics?
Copies amounts of morning cocktail has changed .. drastically...
Sure hope I don't get the china virus but, if I do, I don't want to see my Dr. but you can bet your ass I will tell him to get me on Monoclonal antibodies ASAP and I mean like yesterday. Several prominent leaders who had the china virus including President Trump were given them and made fast remarkable recoveries. I hate the rona.
Yup...problem have to fit the guidelines for that treatment...I can't squeeze into any one of those categories...I will be talking to my doc on Monday....see if we can't fudge some shit...
Yup...problem have to fit the guidelines for that treatment...I can't squeeze into any one of those categories...I will be talking to my doc on Monday....see if we can't fudge some shit...
Might need to go into six shooter negotiations. He might come around to your way of thinking.
Yup...problem have to fit the guidelines for that treatment...I can't squeeze into any one of those categories...I will be talking to my doc on Monday....see if we can't fudge some shit... receive medication based on categories? WTH??!!

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