Vaccinated People…

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We have always been a society that demanded that everyone be vaccinated for diseases. Polio, small pox, measles etc etc. The only thing about this vaccine is it is political. Recently a female soldier got the boot for not wearing a mask and not getting the vaccine. Thing is she already got every other required vaccine. Political.
Small pox killed 30% of the people that got it. Polio vaccine took 7+ years to push through.
Covid has a 99% recovery rate and the “vaccine” needs a third shot 6 months after the first one. Forgive me for not jumping in line.
A dove has been sitting in my backyard for twenty minutes, he’s probably aggressive. The Gamo has not been sighted in since the scope was knocked off, should I take the gamble? I’ll need someone to cover me with the red ryder like the dangerous game guides.
Today a story on the news said many antivaxxers have taken their shots but they dont want to hear about it from their friends and families so the arent telling anyone they have been vaccinated.
So this flyway of doves is in the middle of a alfalfa field... no cover for me. Maybe I should ask my buddy for his ghillie suit. He has this one. I wonder if the mojo dove would bring them down?
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