What do u guys do about Poison oak. Who gets it who dosent


You can't kill it from your couch.
I have found out in the last couple of seasons that I will have poison oak all season. It's to the point I don't even avoid it any more.I just charge right through and worry about it a week later when it pops up. I don't do much to get rid of it besides not scratching. This may change when my girl friend gets it but any way what do u guys do about it.

I hate that plant but I can't seem to stay out of it
I get it also. I also try not to hunt below the 3000 ft level. as I read somewhere it does not grow above the 2500 ft level. however I swear I've seen it at higher levels.. I have never gotten it where I deer hunt, but have where I upland game & cotoye hunt..
I "try" to stay out of it but have used Tecnu after contact with success. The first & last time I got it, it took about a month to fully clear up. I didn't go to the dr for any prescription steroids but may think twice if I get it like that again. Make sure to wash those clothes too. Getting it again from wearing the same clothes is fun too
As a kid, I could roll around in poison oak and never got it. Two years ago, I got it so bad I had blisters on my legs. I went to the doctor and was given some steroidal shot and it disappeared in a day. I don't mess around now. I avoid it like the plague. If I do get it, its to the doctors for prescribed meds.
breacher said:
As a kid, I could roll around in poison oak and never got it. Two years ago, I got it so bad I had blisters on my legs. I went to the doctor and was given some steroidal shot and it disappeared in a day. I don't mess around now. I avoid it like the plague. If I do get it, its to the doctors for prescribed meds.

I have had the same history with it. I still get it every year though.

Poision Oak oils / tar/ sap/ gets on your skin and cures up in a few hours. After it cures it is bonded to your skin and is not going to just wash off. In 3 days you will see the reaction. You need to wash soon after contact and you must remove all the invisible oil / tar. Hard to do.

I tried http://www.zanfel.com/help/ and it worked. But it was over 40 bucks for 1 oz. Now I use St. Ives scrub for 3.00 per 6 oz.
The main thing these do is sand off the sap / oil off your skin. So scratching is ok if it is removing the bad stuff.
If I look at it I start itching. I usually go to the doctor and get prednisone which knocks it out pretty quickly. Ive tried multiple over the counter products but if it's bad I don't mess around I go straight to the doctor. If you wash up with hot water and a degreasing soap like dawn it does help. The plant oil that is the allergen is urushiol oil and it sticks to anything. It is really easy to get it again from oil on your boots, hunting gear, truck steering wheel and so on.
All of the ururshiol oil plants are on my list of total worthless creations right along with ticks,mosquitoes, and rattlesnakes.
I am afraid to say this (LP) but I have never contracted the stuff, but my son gets it ALL the time, he swears by breaking the blisters open and spraying WD-40 on it, I'm sure most of you think I'm crazy or full of it....... but I'm serious, I'm not telling you to try it, just telling you what he does. :-\
TopBuck said:
I am afraid to say this (LP) but I have never contracted the stuff, but my son gets it ALL the time, he swears by breaking the blisters open and spraying WD-40 on it, I'm sure most of you think I'm crazy or full of it....... but I'm serious, I'm not telling you to try it, just telling you what he does. :-\

I could see that it could work. WD-40 can remove sharpie and paint so it could cut the oils.
Correction.....he does Not break the blisters, just sprays it on and leaves it alone. Our family Dr. even said it does work.
Muriatic acid and a wire wheel brush on a high speed drill motor will get er' done too!
Leaves of three, leave it be... the s!!t tears me up, gotta watch where I step, if I get it and my wife gets near me she's on her way to the doctor. One shot from the Doc and I'm good to go.
I don't think that it is fair to LP that he has never experienced the itchy weed. Maybe we should rub some on say the head band of his favorite hat so he doesn't feel left out on threads like this ;D
Guess I'm like a few other not gonna jinx myself.
The WD 40 comment had me a bit concerned if you were opening the blister because that would put it into your blood system. But then again keeping all the joints lubed keeps you young.
I use the generic zanfel available at rite aid to scrub the area and then tecnu clear itch relief after washing the area.
if i see it i get it..... have only given it to one girl and i gave her fair warning. i get the shot if it gets to bad
what do i do, hmmm....... I stay away from that stuff. My father gets it all the time, but its like hes immune to it now :D :D. But he always tells people Calamine is a good treatment for it
Several years ago while mountain biking up in montana de oro SP crashed and rolled down a hill side covered with it and got it bad!!!! So bad I was covered head to toe and every where in between sending me to the Dr. for several shots. For the next few years I would just all the sudden have a re-occurrence of the blisters every few months, I was awful. Since then I have walked through it several times, being careful to avoid contact as much as possible and have not contracting it. I don't know if you can build up an immunity to it but I hope so cause I hate that crap. Oh and by the way I have seen it well above 3000 ft.

Not that i'm trying this but read the link its interesting ... http://www.backpacker.com/community/ask_buck/96