Willing to trade hunts!


New Member
How are y’all doing?
I’m currently deployed so I wasn’t able to scout like would have liked! I’m very eager to get a on a black bear! I have a bird dog I’d be willing to put you behind her on some quail hunts if I could get some help getting on a bear. Even willing to accompany as an extra pack on some your hunts possibly. I’m hunting Southern California but am willing to travel north after deer season unless I fill my tag earlier. I appreciate any insight y’all have!
TN 28,

Welcome to SCH.....Very minimal bear hunting here in SoCal, but there are a couple of guys on here that may be able to help you in middle Cali.

I did see this bruin in the Sierra's about a month ago.

.View attachment 50680
Thank you, y’all seem to have a nice thing going here! Man I would have loved to be there! Fingers crossed someone takes me up on it! Trading hunts is a big thing on Texas Bowhunter, do y’all see it much on the forum?
Thank you, y’all seem to have a nice thing going here! Man I would have loved to be there! Fingers crossed someone takes me up on it! Trading hunts is a big thing on Texas Bowhunter, do y’all see it much on the forum?

Texas and California are like night and day, when it comes to hunting...When guys have a spot here...They keep it pretty tight to the vest.
Texas and California are like night and day, when it comes to hunting...When guys have a spot here...They keep it pretty tight to the vest.
One state is over 40% public land and the other is under 2%. I get it from the CA hunter side.
You could probably go to Northern Ca around the burn areas and find them fairly easy blind. Knowing our luck the bears will just come over to NV which has draw zones and continue to be a pain in the arse to us. Already broke my bird feeder. Guess it was wishful thinking they wouldn't using a wood pole.
You could probably go to Northern Ca around the burn areas and find them fairly easy blind. Knowing our luck the bears will just come over to NV which has draw zones and continue to be a pain in the arse to us. Already broke my bird feeder. Guess it was wishful thinking they wouldn't using a wood pole.
I'm kind of leaning towards that! Also, i discovered your videos at the beginning of this deployment my buddies and i watch them all the time! The second i saw Hazard i had an idea of who it was!!!
Call a packer in the mammoth area and ask them if they know where the bears are.......

Thx for your service!
Just ask them are there any problem bears that I could hunt that you know of.