Wister 1/17 - Late Season


Well-Known Member
Alright Duckers, I finally pulled a draw, Put in for San J and Wister season long and got a late season. Thought I was going to have to push until next year but drew a Wister #48, socalhunt showing about 3 in 10 reservation holders showing up on time lately so worst case should be about 15thish pick, hopefully. Given those numbers will be able to get the blind I want, or pretty close.

Bought two dozen Greenwing decoys to add around the Mallards and Pintails so going to put out about 4 dozen this year. If all goes as planned should have a nice 360 of water and thinking to set the pintail and mallards in front in the open water and the greenwings behind me on the brushy shallow and sit on the X. Got them tied up tonight since its my only day off before the hunt so had to rig them with materials on hand. 3' of 300 pound Trot Line and 3/4" Hex Nuts. The Hex Nuts are about 2oz so think if I step on them they should hold in the mud in a light breeze. Just missing the motion.


Did California ban ripplers when I wasn't looking? I was trying to check out and got this.................

Any type of motion ducks should be fine man. If it was my money , Id spend it on butt squirters or swimming duck decoys. I had those mojo ripplers, the batteries would only last me like 2 hours. They were too expensive to feed.
Any type of motion ducks should be fine man. If it was my money , Id spend it on butt squirters or swimming duck decoys. I had those mojo ripplers, the batteries would only last me like 2 hours. They were too expensive to feed.
Thats good to know. Do you run both or do you prefer one over the other? I’ve wondered if the ducks would spot the tube on the butt squirter decoy.
Good luck my buddy has a draw for that day too. And of course I have to work!

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Pulsators are the rage...We've been running 3-9...A cheaper alternative that you can make before the hunt is a jerk string...Multiple jerk strings are even better...Good luck

ps...Spinners can still be productive, but by this time of year...You better have a on/off remote.
I was looking for the butt ripplers but could not find any that would arrive in time, fast shipping places sold out all together. Went with the jerk string and picked up these 4' iron stakes at Lowes. They already had pre drilled holes to attach to. Wish they were about a foot longer but it was a toss up between these and rebar. Wrapped 40 yards of trot line on them so if they are not sticking out of the water I'm going to clip my first decoy on near it and should give me a good marker to judge my range and help keep my shots under 40 yards. Knowing my luck they will push all the way in and keep going under the mud. I was reading some other people used 18" bungie cords, I have these 40" ones and thought they may give me a little more stretch but they are pretty stiff so who knows, not sure what the standard is. I might have a rattle can around to spray the bungie hooks so they are not so bright and shiny. Wister has always been a blind challenge for me, either I can conceal myself and not see anything except directly in front of me or I can see around me and not well concealed. Its not San J thats for sure.

just saying there is no shame in getting skunked.....its cool if you really wanted that coot but damn son. shooting a coot is same as touching a mola mola its 10 years bad luck and to get that stink off you gota do some crazy stuff.