Woman punches Bear, Get Help from Her Chihuahua to Survive Bear Attack

Have had close encounters with a couple over the years ,but have never been charged or attacked
Read this it was unreal.
Just stepped out the door.
A round the corner.
Bear attacked
Ankle biter caused enough
Distraction, saved her.
I had a big bruin sneaking up on me one night in the dark in my front yard ! I noticed him at about 50 feet , I ran into the garage slammed the door , then the Bear wondered around the house , then disappearing into the night . I always wondered what his intensions were ! A week later the same bear was trying to get into houses ! He was caught and relocated a few weeks later ! Another day at 9.30 in morning I was standing in the opening of my big garage door in the driveway , a big cinnamon color bear steps out between my truck and garage at about 8 feet away , I think we both scared the crap out of each other ! The bear took off down the street . I can do with out bears in the yard , I now keep bear spray in the garage truck and house

We seem to have a lot of bears around here the last few years .