Yeeeeaaaahhhh buddy!



First light. 3 shots. 4 mallard drake and a coyote!!! Pics and story to follow.
Get to this new spot I haven't hunted yet but scouted a few times. Walking up almost an hour before first light I see a couple ducks on the water making wake. Try to tiptoe to my spot and they flushed and bailed out. Hurried to my spot and loaded up and put my ghillie mask on. Within a few minutes, enough light for me to see their silhouettes and hear them splash and chattering back and forth. More birds show up. Waited for a few min after first light to ID better. Gadwalls mixed with mallards and other species didn't want to overshoot or miss out from not being choosy. I've got my shotgun to my side and these birds are just strutting tail feathers, chasing each other around, mallards beating wings and sparring. All of the sudden they all bounce off the water. I throw my shotgun up ready to salvage what I can. Low overhang so I was worried about being able to get a shot off without obstruction. The birds all land back down within 10-15 yards of me. I look left and a coyote jumped into the water for a meal but failed. Now I got limit in front of me and a coyote to my 9:00, 15 yards from heavy brush and 20 yards out. Heart was slamming at this point. Got about a 2% success rate on coyote but how often do you have a bunch of nice birds fall into your lap. Waited for a confident shot. The coyote was back in the water eating something. 4 male and 2 female mallards packed up at 20 yards in front of me. The females scooted left and the mallards didn't move. Shouldered and fired one shot and all 4 layed out. Turn hard left, rack, and fire and shot her in the shoulder and #3 in the side. I jump up to chase her to make sure she's dead. She bounces back into my picture within a second and Im standing 10 yards away and poke a chest hole for the kill. 30 minute hunt for 4 nice mallards and a nice female coyote. Not worried about not limiting. Would've been just fine only dropping 1 bird for a shot on the coyote too. EPIC!

Thanks fellas. Sounds like one of those "The fish was an absolute monster" fishing story but it's all truth. No exaggeration. It was the coolest hunt I've had, probably ever. I'll try to be better prepared next time to take pics but I was caught off guard. From the point of sitting down in my spot till a few minutes after first light, the birds were just falling and the coyote jumping right near me and I didn't want to move and have anything see me and spook. I'll have to get a witness with me next time! One of those hunts where timing and everything falls in place. Must have been from the 50+ times I got skunked coyote hunting!!
that's awesome. congrats! on the yote, do you skin or save the tail?
ivhunter said:
that's awesome. congrats! on the yote, do you skin or save the tail?

Thanks. Skinned and skulled. Going to tan the hide and bury the head.
Sdbirds and I are going to shoot that place on Wed! Can't wait to hit it hard and get a few green heads
Aeon said:
Sdbirds and I are going to shoot that place on Wed! Can't wait to hit it hard and get a few green heads

Nice! Have fun you guys!
No way this panned out that well. I'll need you to take me to the spot and run the play by play. ;)

Sounds like a great hunt man, I'm sure you'll be remembering that for a while.
Fowl Play said:
No way this panned out that well. I'll need you to take me to the spot and run the play by play. ;)

Sounds like a great hunt man, I'm sure you'll be remembering that for a while.

I know man... I'm good at telling detailed stories but I'm no story teller! Right place, right time, right conditions. Probably never come together like this again so I'll remember it for sure!