Yeti coolers breaks from NRA?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2014
North LA county
I know we all try and keep politics mostly out of this site and i agree but i think this needs to be posted since so many of us use yeti coolers. My wife took her yeti coffee cup out side and cut it up with the plasma cutter and she is shipping it back to yeti with a note. i cant afford to get ride of my game cooler right now but i will replace it with a pelican ASAP. then destroy it
Who makes these kind of asinine decisions?.....I bet a lot of stock holders are cringing right now.

Also bet they come out with kind of statement about how much they cherish us hunter & fisherman's business....If this isn't totally fake news (NRA has come out with a statement).....Then never again will I buy their products.
Yeti changed their discount to the NRA from 70% to 40%.
NRA got pissed and overreacted and said Yeti was no longer doing business with them (WRONG) They aren’t doing business the way the NRA wanted it.

Just my opinion but NRA needs to apologize for this one.
No I’m not a Yeti fan. I use Brute coolers because I can buy them from my supplier and write them off.
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Thanks Darryl.....NRA has done a few things I don't agree with.....This appears to be another.

Thanks for the clarification. But i do agree we must back them. Its just a sad state when you cant really trust anyone to give the actual truth upfront.
I am solid NRA member and have been since 1975. The NRA in my opinion has made many mistakes in the past in the way they promoted and put their agenda forward. We need move ahead and have a conversation with the folks that oppose us and not be so stand offiche (coined word) with the folks that promote gun control in an open environment and they have to be confronted with facts and science rather than emotion and questioned to the point that they need to give a response to the question being posed. IMO the NRA will cause themselves more problems than good if the do not engage the general public and address this in an arena that allows us to offer our opinions in a way that makes sense and is based in science. Bottom line, fact versus emotion is the only way we will get this done.
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Got to call bull shit ,bull shit .Come on nra you have to be right all the time. Yeti gets no ban ,they can change their programs all they want nra needs to get over it and say sorry
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Divide and conquer.....Seems the media/social media is doing a pretty good job of doing that amongst us hunters, fisherman, gun owners, and outdoorsman.

Keep not supporting the NRA and see what happens.
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I have yeti coolers to keep things cold...I don’t depend on them to appeal to one side or the other! Stay in your lane NRA! And by the way I am also a member of the NRA... I see all the chaos on social media but before I chop up my tumblers and coolers I read both sides of the story... FAKE NEWS! And some of you bought in to it hook line and sinker
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I don't think it is fake news, I read Yeti's statement and it's sounds pretty disingenuous to me. If they actually wanted to continue to do business with the NRA then they would have said something in their statement along of the lines of "we offered something else" or "we reached out to them about what else we could do", because that would have cleared them but they do not say anything like that. They tried to cut ties in an indirect manner by cutting the programs the NRA used and calling them legacy. To me it seems like they wanted to get away from all of the heat the NRA was getting not realizing the NRA would call them on it which then caused all of this backlash. Now they are back peddling because their competitors are capitalizing on their poor decision making. But that is just my opinion.
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I have posted Yeti's official statement below. If you read it you will see where they "reached out" and "offered something else" to the NRA. I am a firm believer that without the NRA we would have lost the 2nd amendment a long time ago but I do believe the NRA screwed up big time on this one.

Austin, Texas (April 23, 2018) — A few weeks ago, YETI® notified the NRA Foundation, as well as a number of other organizations, that we were eliminating a group of outdated discounting programs. When we notified the NRA Foundation and the other organizations of this change, YETI explained that we were offering them an alternative customization program broadly available to consumers and organizations, including the NRA Foundation. These facts directly contradict the inaccurate statement the NRA-ILA distributed on April 20.

Further, the NRA-ILA stated in that same public communication that “[YETI has] declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities.” Nothing is further from the truth. YETI was founded more than 10 years ago with a passion for the outdoors, and over the course of our history we have actively and enthusiastically supported hunters, anglers and the broader outdoor community. We have been devoted to and will continue to directly support causes tied to our passion for the outdoors, including by working with many organizations that promote conservation and management of wildlife resources and habitat restoration. From our website to our film footage and from our social media posts to our ambassadors, YETI has always prominently featured hunters pursuing their passions. Moreover, YETI is unwavering in our belief in and commitment to the Constitution of the United States and its Second Amendment.
Yeti changed their discount to the NRA from 70% to 40%.
NRA got pissed and overreacted and said Yeti was no longer doing business with them (WRONG) They aren’t doing business the way the NRA wanted it.

Just my opinion but NRA needs to apologize for this one.
No I’m not a Yeti fan. I use Brute coolers because I can buy them from my supplier and write them off.

Where did you hear this? From the Yeti press release, it doesn't sound like they're giving *any* discounts to specific organizations anymore, and just want everyone to go through their "custom" shop to order branded yeti items.
Just curious if the competitors of yeti that are beating this story into the ground have ever offered discounts to NRA members or have worked with the NRA in any fashion... I have seen people on other sites saying screw yeti I will just buy my coolers at Walmart...yeah because Walmart does a lot to protect or wild places and our 2nd amendment
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Where did you hear this? From the Yeti press release, it doesn't sound like they're giving *any* discounts to specific organizations anymore, and just want everyone to go through their "custom" shop to order branded yeti items.

If you or I go buy a Yeti cooler we will pay (map price) for that cooler.
If a consumer (store) or organization meaning
(NRA or other non profit) buys that same product, they will buy it at a discount rate. That would be called an alternative customization program, according to Yeti’s official statement.

Why would they sell to the NRA any cheaper than they would sell to a store like Cabelas or Fine Firearms???
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If you or I go buy a Yeti cooler we will pay (map price) for that cooler.
If a consumer (store) or organization meaning
(NRA or other non profit) buys that same product, they will buy it at a discount rate. That would be called an alternative customization program, according to Yeti’s official statement.

Why would they sell to the NRA any cheaper than they would sell to a store like Cabelas or Fine Firearms???

Ding ding ding.

They cut all of their alternative customization programs and the NRA makes a stink due to the current climate and boycotts.

Maybe not a good time to do this on YETIs part, but sometimes you have to make business decisions at not so opportune times.

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Evolving story, if this is true then the nra is in the clear and yeti is not

On Tuesday, Hammer emailed Breitbart News a response to the Yeti statement. The statement said:.

YETI severed ties with the NRA and is now engaging in damage control after a backlash from many of its customers. In early March, YETI refused to place a previously negotiated order from NRA-ILA, citing “recent events” as the reason – a clear reference to the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. YETI then delivered notice to the NRA Foundation that it was terminating a 7-year agreement and demanded that the NRA remove the YETI name and logo from all NRA digital assets, as well as refrain from using any YETI trademarks in future print material. While YETI is trying to spin the story otherwise, those are the facts. While Yeti can choose to run from the NRA, they can’t run from the facts.

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