YOU OPINION : Fisherman Classmate caught being MAJORLY Hypocritical of Hunters, What would you Do?

Might want to point out to him that, unless he harvests an unusually large fish, it takes maybe 4 to 10 fishes' lives to provide the same meat as one deer's life provides. So who's the big killer now?
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Thank you all. I’m planning to play montages of election night 2016 throughout a family gathering next week. Fox News is always on in the background so I’m looking forward to the point when someone says “hey wait...this is awesome!”
Fishing IS hunting...Just hunting for fish...Let him think about that...PETA hates the fact that people hook fish in the mouth....They're after him too.

ps....This is not some new phenomenon...Fisherman & animal hunters have been in different camps for years....One of the reasons we're losing the battle with the radical left/libs/democrats....:mad:
Beat me to it Trig!