Youth opener....

Hey Steve, dumb question, but I only get out 3-4 times a year, if that, and have never really hunted in wet weather. Supposed to be wet the next couple of days, but does that change anything in terms of their actions, habits, etc? Come off the roost later, not as vocal, anything like that?

All those things.....They will call, strut, and gobble.....When they fly down from roost, it's normal straight down. Versus a long flight to open area.....They do like the open country though during the course of the day.....I'd find a likely spot and stick with it instead of running & gunning.....Hunting them in windy & rainy conditions is the worst IMO.
It is youth turkey day tomorrow???? Geez, nobody talking about it on both of my hunting websites I go to. I'm paranoid I'll go out tomorrow with my kid and we'll get ticketed for being out of season. Maybe we'll have the woods to ourselves........... LOL
Im talking my girlfriends nephew out tomorrow. Hopefully he gets one. Is there any laws about me taking a gun to shoot coyotes if I see any when he is hunting? This is my first time taking him to public land for the youth hunt.