Zero days till dove opener

Good luck to you guys. Be safe. remember not to take that low shoot at the low flying dove. I wish I was out in the field with you guys... But I sitting home hoping my leg is healed up for duck season.... Please God let me be healed up for duck season......
Oh dolly...not sleepin tonight for sure!! Looking forward to the tailgate pics fellas!!:please center the trophy bird in the center for easy recognition!!! Now go get that Bird!!! And watch your back door!!
my favorite time of year fellas...keep the dove porn flowin!! Only 14.5 days left..make um count!! Sadly..we got blanked this morning...never saw a bird..glassed for hours with the 15, no avail...gonma set up in a different basin this evening...they gotta be somewhere..never give up,hold the line,push forward, pick a path.. Get that bird!!
14.5 days!!!!!! I'll never understand why so few of you guys hunt mexico. 6 months of dove hunting