Zip tie scope lever


Active Member
Well, I will admit. I'm cheap...frugal, whatever you want to call me it's ok with me.

The truth is that I do not like to spend money if I do not have to, and, I like DIY stuff.

As I'm researching and saving money for a new scope, I learned about these handy little levers to help you switch magnification a little easier.

My mind says to me..."I bet we can use a zip tie instead of buying a lever". So I gave it a is not the sexiest piece of gear but I don't care, it works really well and cost me a few cents.
as a kid with very little cash flow, I have to make do or make stuff work. no scope peep sight only, and yet was very successful at the time.
but I was physically fit. and no one said I couldn't do it. Mind over matter, so they say.. :)
10 bucks for a real one.....

Like I said...mine is not as sexy as the real piece but it is waaaaaay cheaper. Not that $10 will break the bank but the zip tie works fine...It was done just to see if it works.

My scope is not hard to change the magnification but i wanted to see how much easier would it be with the extra piece for leverage.

P.S. Not replying in a snappy way. :angel-animated-emoji:
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