I was active duty at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado and my brother was active duty at the White House. I'll never forget that feeling when they reported that the WH had been hit (when it was actually the Pentagon) and I thought I had lost my brother...
Anyone know what happened with this? When I purchased my license this year it was still under the old system (expires 31 December). https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB817
Out of our four family households in Sandy Eggo, not one person had it up until about 2 1/2 months ago. Now 11 of 16 of us have had it. Both my 80 y/o inlaws brought it back from Vegas and only had mild symptoms. One SIL and her daughter also brought it from Vegas (separate trip) and both had...
Of course it was :joy: To be honest, I thought the pheasant hunt morphed into JAKES. Weren't you the organizer for the pheasant hunt and activities also?
Just had multiple AKs frozen a few weeks ago and am going in for the "Blue Light" treatment soon. 22 years on deck in the Navy finally paying me back. I guess that's one benefit of having a B-I-L and F-I-L as dermatologists...
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