Yeah I have been to P2K a couple of times in recent past. TOPBUCK is right. Each gun you take, they require a three shot group in a 4 or 5 inch square at 25 yards. However it beats using up $40 in fuel driving to desert. SDGE is working all over the country, Hard to find a good spot anymore.
Shoot the shorter bow You'll be glad you did. Your groups will be tighter than you've ever shot before. Tell Bruce Jef an old archery shop owner told you that. Bet he'll agree...
If it felt best in your hand, at full draw and made you tingle all over when you shot it, You made the right choice. I shot PSE bows for years (20+) and actually did just the opposite of you. I went to the Bowtech. Bottom line is, if you feel comfortable and have confidence in your rig you will...
He'll give you a Huge (in his eyes) 10% MAKE IT WRITE discount!! Ok!Ok! lets not Stick him with a sharp broadhead!!Sounds like he wants to fix it and make it right with his customer service skills. 8)
I'm with Ratz, how is anyone to know what the 400Yrd area is. Knowing are wonderful state officials they will just close the entire area to the the general public then start a nother pilot law for some other kind of adventure pass to access the area in 14 days!!
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