30 Years to make it happen.... SO worth it..


New Member
It all started when I was about 5 years old. I knew my dad was a hunter but had never actually gone with him. Mom had always said it was way too dangerous. Then one day it happened, my dad by some miracle took my brother and I out bird hunting with the dogs.. I was hooked, as just young boys we had fake guns that my dad had carved for us and I was focused on shooting anything that flew by, It was great... Mom found out and put down the law that dad was never going to take us again.. Well we moved to California dad hung up hunting and we just fished from that point. I still wanted to hunt, and with my dad. Then at 35 years old it all came together. After doing our hunter safety we bought our licences and we received an invite to join some other guys for the dove opener.... I cant speak for my dad but i was pumped. My first hunt ever and with my dad, could it get any better? we had a great time even though there weren't a lot of birds. I shot my limit but the best part was walking the treeline side by side with dad.... I will NEVER forget those moments... Thanks dad, and to Bobby for the invite. DEREK
In your face mom :p.... that's a great story what a nice moment I hope you can enjoy more trips like that with your family and share them to all of us.

Thanks guys.... I am always on the lookout for other opportunities. I really hope my dad and I get to hunt several more times... I think next year we will hunt vandenburg for deer andif we have time try for a pig too... happy hunting to all. Derek
Thanks a lot guys and gal. My dad and I are making plans for the fall opener too.. This time I'll try to take some pics... Derek
That is very cool Blazer. There are plenty more seasons left in the year and numerous hunting opportunities! If you don't already have kids, you'll have to pass on this tradition. I've been hunting with my dad since I was 15. I'm 33 now but this is the first year my dad and I have bowhunted together. I enjoy every trip out with him. Trying real hard to get my dad his first archery animal!