10:30am doe walks in front in front of me at 40 yards. She is in front of me cant draw yet. I'm ground hunting. She's 15 yards from my shooting lane. She stops. Looks to my left. Then I hear it. Bigfoot is walking through the woods. Jajajjajaja!! Snap, Crackle, Pop! Then I see him full camo. I'm thinking a hunter. Nope. Navy guy is romping through the woods lost. She stops right in front of me I can't move. She stares at him and walks off. He walks up to me and says can i ask you a question? I ask him. Are you guys out hear doing navigation drills? He says . Then i say And yes what's your question? He pulls out a map and asked what peak is he at. I get him squared away. Point him in the right direction. She comes back 20 minutes later. This time in a beeline straight toward me. I couldn't move she would have seen me. She stops 15 yards from me and stares at me for 5 minutes. We were eye to eye literally. She slowly walked away never came back.