deer tags OTC or draw app


New Member
Apr 25, 2015
San diego
Hey guys,
Since it is my first time hunting for deer, I am a little confused with the point that you guys talk about and applications for Deer tags. What is the difference between applying for a deer tag, receiving points and an OTC tag. I just purchased a D16 over the counter.
I went to the office on Ruffin rd but the clerk could not explain to me.
Any help would be appreciated thanks.
If you put in for a draw tag (x zones for example) and are not successful you get a point. The more points you build up the better your chances for drawing some of the better hunts in the state, like the x zones. Usually takes 3-4 points to draw an x zone tag.

Since you already bought your d16 you will not be allowed to put in for the draws this year.
If you were unsuccessful drawing your first choice, say Goodale buck for example, but we're successful for your second, say x zone for example, do you lose whatever preference points you had earned in the past applying for your first choice? To be more specific, how do you earn those 13 preference points needed for your first choice if you keep using them on your second choice draws?
Not having deer hunted for several years I have a question that the OP's question and the subsequent answer brought to mind. Let's say you know you can't get away this year for a X zone hunt but you want to accumulate a point towards next year (or the year after) when you know you can go. Since there's always a chance you'll get drawn even without any points (at least, from my understanding there's a slight chance of that) then buying a tag OTC doesn't give you any points? You could buy (let's call them) "bad" zones OTC for years and not get any points towards a draw? Then, if you do get drawn with no points, since you put in mainly to accumulate points, and you can't go this year, then what? Can you surrender your tag for a point and DFW issue it to someone else or are you stuck with a tag you can't use and thereby also preventing someone else from being able to go since you got drawn and they didn't?
Lungpopper said:
Since you already bought your d16 you will not be allowed to put in for the draws this year.
I think you can make changes to your preferences up until the deadline. You just have to go into the DFW office to do it. I did that last year when I wanted to change my selections from G13/D16 to AO/A22. I think there may be a small fee for the change. Can't remember.
The dude at the desk on Ruffin Rd is useless but the folks in Sacramento are really helpful, and you can ask Ruffin Road to call Sac while you wait. I don't remember her name but the woman in Sac was great, and later called me back to make sure I wrote what I needed on the form for the hunt I wanted.
SD Mike said:
If you were unsuccessful drawing your first choice, say Goodale buck for example, but we're successful for your second, say x zone for example, do you lose whatever preference points you had earned in the past applying for your first choice? To be more specific, how do you earn those 13 preference points needed for your first choice if you keep using them on your second choice draws?

Your only lose points if you draw on first choice tag.
The only way you can get a premium area tag is by applying in for the draw or by auction . either by preference points or random draw. some of the X zone can be drawn in four years of applying as others stated above . the lucky ones can get it the first time applying with 0 point :p take your chance and good luck....

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