Does anyone trap down here?


New Member
I know it's kind of a touchy subject, but I was wondering if anyone knows of people running traps down in SD county? I figured with all of the great turkey hunting, someone has to be putting a hurt on the cats. Or did I actually find a untouched renewable resource?

I used to help a buddies dad trap up along the Owen's Valley and I've been thinking of getting back into it down here. Again, I apologize if this is frowned upon by you guys.
It shouldn't be a sore subject at all, it's another form of hunting that has a long rich tradition. I used to know a guy who trapped down here but he's not hunting anymore due to old age. There's a lot of great places to trap in this county so the more people to put our predators in check the better. Hope you can get into it, good luck!
I know a guy that used to trap around easy county and McCain valley but hasn't done it in a few years.
Thanks for the responses guys. I was just talking to him the other day and he's struggling because we don't have enough upland birds this season to feed all the cats. Then I got to thinking about how huge turkey hunting is around here. I'd bet more people would be willing to let me trap on private vs. hunting on their land. And I'd really like to help out all of those turkey hunters if I can. That's really what got us started, the cats were decimating our upland spots and chicken coops.

Again, thanks for info.
I trapped coon and rabbits when I was a teenager. What type of license is needed? Are there restrictions on steel jaws?
A trapping license(pass the test, pay a pretty steep fee) and you have to jump through some hoops. Pretty much only live traps(cages). No leg hold or body grips as of 10 years ago