Hey I'm looking to buy stuff like a range finder, gps, maybe a tree stand and some trail cameras. If you have any old hunting gear you want to get rid of let me know!
Thanks for the info! I'll have to check them out tomorrowCMPeterson said:Dicks sporting goods down on sports arena has tons of cameras for sale and they range from $39 to $99.
I was the one that originally started that thread but thank you! Haha I just wanna see if I can get a gps for cheap so I could save battery life for emergencies, if you know what I mean.Bonejour said:CV,
With regard to your question about gps, check out the following thread from SCH recently: http://southerncaliforniahunting.com/huntersforum/index.php/topic,4994.msg32169.html#msg32169
or search "gps for iphone" in the search window from the main forum page. This site is FULL of great, insightful advice from members on a wide range of topics. The search function is a great way to access discussions that are not currently active, and it is a treasure trove of insight.
Ya I heard that dicks has hunting gear but I didn't know they had that much! I'm gunna have to go check it out!CMPeterson said:I was so bummed when the Dicks opened in El Cajon and it did not even have fishing line, then I discovered the one on Sports Arena they have everything from ground blinds to elk calls game cameras and a ton of accessories. Also Big 5 in El Cajon just got a ton of under armor camo with scent control.
CMPeterson said:I was so bummed when the Dicks opened in El Cajon and it did not even have fishing line, then I discovered the one on Sports Arena they have everything from ground blinds to elk calls game cameras and a ton of accessories. Also Big 5 in El Cajon just got a ton of under armor camo with scent control.