Some questions of etiquette


Oct 16, 2012
San Diego
Here's a hunting etiquette questions for y'all. Yesterday I was out looking for rabbits and quail. Early on I saw another parked car, but had no way of knowing where the other hunter was. (Maybe I should have done a better job guessing). Anyway, I headed off on a trail, moving at a medium pace. Basically just walking and looking but not stopping and glassing. After about 15 minutes I turned a corner and saw the other hunter ahead of me on the trail. He was stopped and glassing so I stopped and waited.

I didn't want startle him and I didn't want to call out, so I just waited for him to notice me, wearing bright orange I figured it wouldn't take long. I was watching him through my binos when he finally turned my way, also looking through his binos. We were only about 200 yards apart. When he saw me I raised my hand slowly just to say hey. He in turn raised his hand, then stood there watching me for a good 10-20 seconds. I felt kind of awkward, not sure what to do. Later I realized that he was probably waiting to see my back. So question 1: Was it my obligation to turn and walk the other way in this situation?

SInce I was just looking for small game I was no real competition for him, but he had no way to know that. But I didn't want to be anywhere near his deer hunt. So what I did was take a side trail. I head slowly up a hill as far as I could go, then turned back. That ate up about 20 minutes and when I returned to the main trail he was nowhere to be seen. Since the I had a good long view of the main trail I figured he was long gone.

I walked along further, exploring another side trail or two and checking out a big meadow. But after an hour or two of making my way along the main trail I turned another corner and saw him again. As slow as I was making my way, I was very surprised to see him again. But he was going slow and thorough; walking 10-20 feet then picking apart the landscape with his binos. I don't believe he noticed me the second time. I was pretty far back and he was looking forward the whole time. This time I decided I had no choice but to turn back, so I did.

So questions 2 and 3: Did I totally jerk up this guy's hunt? Is there a good, concise set of guidelines for hunter etiquette somewhere? (A quick google turned up a bunch of crap)

Upon reflection I think the best thing would have been for me to avoid him altogether. I might not have known where he was, but when I saw him I should have gone the other way. Even hunting small game in his vicinity would have spooked any deer he had in his sights. I also found a plethora of quail right by my car when I got back.

This brings up the final question: What is an acceptable shooting standoff from another hunter? If I was shooting quail by my car I would be a good mile or two away from this other guy. But if I hadn't followed him in I would have no way of knowing his location. When is it OK to shoot when others are around?

Ahh yes.....frequent dilemmas in the backcountry. This is my opinion so take it as that. First off, just because you see another car in the backcountry doesn't really mean anything. They could be hikers, mountain bikers, or hunters. You have no idea where they are. The country is big. Go hunt it.

On the trail when you first noticed him, I personally would have contacted him and asked what they were hunting and how they were going about it. I've done this several times and what should happen is the understanding to work AROUND each other. Remember its public land but at the same time there should be a mutual respect due to common goals.

You didn't need to turn around or feel you should have turned around. You're both going the same way, ask him what his plan is then work around him. He shouldn't expect to never see a hiker or mt. bike and the same goes for hunters.

Did you mess up his hunt? Doubt it. If he's hunting from or along a trail...........what would he expect to see on a trail? Other hunters, hikers.......see above. If he wanted to or expected to avoid people a trail is not a place to do it. It is what it is........

As for your question, what the an acceptable shooting standoff from another hunter? Thats a tough one but if you have a shotgun and he's rifle hunting, I wouldn't wan't to be in a standoff with him. You're well within his range if you were within shotgun range. If you both had rifles now its a little more fair and it depends on who is the quicker draw and better shot. If he was bowhunting and you had a rifle/ shotgun, I'd say the odds are stacked in your favor. Either way its a no win situation and someone is likely to get hurt.........That was a joke....
It seems I need to clarify standoff. I don't mean like a show-down. I mean distance. How far away does the other guy have to be before you shoot. And I'm not talking about hitting him, of course you have to make a safe shot.

I mean how far away before you're not spooking his hunt? Or maybe like you say, it's public land and it's everyone's own responsibility to seek out unspooked land.
oh yeah, and thanks for your opinion. Sounds reasonable on all accounts. I actually wanted to walk up to the guy, figure out what's up, etc. But I wasn't sure how that would be received.
msteiger said:
It seems I need to clarify standoff. I don't mean like a show-down. I mean distance. How far away does the other guy have to be before you shoot. And I'm not talking about hitting him, of course you have to make a safe shot.

I mean how far away before you're not spooking his hunt? Or maybe like you say, it's public land and it's everyone's own responsibility to seek out unspooked land.

I know what you meant. I was just being smart. Really its like you said it. If you decide not contact the guy hunt another area and leave his sight, you still won't know how far away you are. You may be just around the corner or a thousand yards away. Thats why I suggested contacting him and clarifying each others goals.

Ok, you're hunting this way for deer........just so you know, I'll be hunting this way for.......

You sound like you respectful which is awesome. Just be that way but you still go about your hunting.
Every situation is different. Since you guys were 200 yards apart. I would have waved to let him know that I was there and vice versa and gone another direction. If you would have been closer yes I would have talked to him and game planned to hunt different areas.

Mess up his hunt? not any more than he messed up yours. Public land belongs to everybody, be respectful and move on.

It's better to let him know that you are there from a safety stand point.You don't shoot his direction and hopefully he doesn't shoot yours. If he doesn't know you are there It's possible you push up a deer he is shooting your direction without knowing you are there.

Once you had your encounter. If I saw game in a safe direction I'm taking the shot.
Great posts guys. I have to agree with both Breacher and Lungpopper. It is everyone's hunt. Just be respectful to each other. It usually works out for the best.

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