The divider between A zone and D 13 boundaries is: From Hwy 166 and Hwy 33, south along 33 to Sespe Creek. East and then south along Sespe creek to Fillmore and hwy 126. East on hwy 126 to Interstate 5. Everything to the west and south of the line in Ventura County is A zone.
Rose Valley is A zone because it is south and west of Sespe Creek.
Cherry Creek (for hunting only - no target shooting) is A zone. Potrero John is not because it's on the east side of hwy 33.
Portrero Seco is A zone. Pine Mtn is not because, even though it's right across the road, it's on the other side of hwy 33.
Rancho Nuevo is A zone. Ozena/Lockwood Valley is not because it's on the other side of hwy 33.