Bill introduced to legalize take of roadkill

Nobody is concerned at the possibility of this being abused by a select few scumbags? I hope they write this in a manner that takes this into consideration and minimizes the ease this could be used as a cover for poaching.
I am not concerned about that at all. This is a great law and it is shocking that CA finally used some common sense.
Unless one has questionable ethics.
So you are saying I'm good to go!

pvt property you can shoot yotes out the window. So not all window shopping is unethical.

Unethical and illegal are often two completely separate things. That goes both ways as well. Lots of things are leagal but unethical. Fyi my original post was a joke....... Kinda
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If somebody is willing to jack up their car to get one. Then why not? That would also generate more business for the state anyway. And since there's less and less land where we can actually hunt, and the deer end up moving in to more and more areas where hunting isn't allowed because Shi-shi fru-fru homeowners have to have their Golf Courses and Country Clubs.... shooooot... if a neyba's gotta eat, and happens to have the chance? I say "It's all you, homey."

Side note: I wonder... I wonder if Insurance co's in this state, if they allowed the take of road killed animals now... would conveniently stop covering that particular vehicular loss in their coverage?
Nobody is concerned at the possibility of this being abused by a select few scumbags? I hope they write this in a manner that takes this into consideration and minimizes the ease this could be used as a cover for poaching.

I think that is the reason some states don't allow it. Ultimately you would be worried about the guy that hits a trophy rutting buck crossing the road.

Here in CO it falls under the Sampson Law. If it is a "trophy" then CPW can take the hide and antlers. This is at the wardens discretion.

CA can do the same thing if they are really worried about it. Make people report them within 48 hours. Not a big deal.

As Larry said... if some idiot wants to ruin his vehicle on purpose. Then so be it.
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Side note: I wonder... I wonder if Insurance co's in this state, if they allowed the take of road killed animals now... would conveniently stop covering that particular vehicular loss in their coverage?

Highly doubt it. I bet the percentage of idiots hitting animals on purpose is such a small amount of the total animal to car collisions.

Insurance companies do increase rates for certain zip codes and regions due to high amounts of animal collisions though.

CPW has been trying to get city council in about 10 cities, Colorado Springs included, to allow bow hunting within city limits. They want it for the over population and vehicle collisions. Insurance companies usually like these city hunting programs.
You guys are thinking about this wrong, nobody will be damaging their vehicle more. The law wants to allow dispatchment of animals injured from collision with vehicles. While this is a good and moral thing to do it's also providing a cover for the poaching scumbag to shoot animals on the side of the road and break a leg or two after the fact. I'm not worried about people hitting deer on purpose with their trucks I'm worried about the guys that shoots them and just claims he hit them with his truck... or somebody else hit it. How would poaching be enforced if somebody could just lie and say roadkill all the time? Seems unless the bill has somethings to address this it could make enforcement more difficult, particularly against a serial poacher that makes this his M.O.
You guys are thinking about this wrong, nobody will be damaging their vehicle more. The law wants to allow dispatchment of animals injured from collision with vehicles. While this is a good and moral thing to do it's also providing a cover for the poaching scumbag to shoot animals on the side of the road and break a leg or two after the fact. I'm not worried about people hitting deer on purpose with their trucks I'm worried about the guys that shoots them and just claims he hit them with his truck... or somebody else hit it. How would poaching be enforced if somebody could just lie and say roadkill all the time? Seems unless the bill has somethings to address this it could make enforcement more difficult, particularly against a serial poacher that makes this his M.O.
Pretty sure poachers don’t report when they poach animals. Plus I think the small entrance wound and the 4” exit wound would give it away to any warden that it didn’t die from a car.
Anyhoo... I'm glad they'll be changing it. On the way to my first Coyote hunt I happened to see an amazing coyote specimen on the side of the FWY right there were the 14 splits off from the 5. And I would have stopped and picked-up that animal. Just to harvest its beautiful hide it had. But... I couldn't. Because in CA, that's a crime.
As Larry said... if some idiot wants to ruin his vehicle on purpose. Then so be it.

Well... sometimes it's not soo much an idiot as it is somebody who barely has two pennies to rub together, permanent disability, lives on govt assistance and church food donations... who happened to get lucky when his neighbor was nice enough to offer to give him a ride into town by having a large herd of a particular ungulate (not in CA) happen to be crossing the road just ahead of them. They didn't even have to hurt the vehicle very much, with a low speed maneuver. (Heavy, Old School, Bomb-Proof, Hooptie piece of Americana).

The way I look at it? That's just a lucky break. A "gimme". The kinda thing where life every 10 or 15 years or so decides to throw you a bone so you can still see that there's light at the end of the tunnel. So you can change your perspective and know that there is still hope.
Pretty sure poachers don’t report when they poach animals. Plus I think the small entrance wound and the 4” exit wound would give it away to any warden that it didn’t die from a car.

Doesn't have to die from the car.
If an animal is severely injured but not outright killed by the vehicle, this bill also would allow the salvager to kill it “in a safe, legal, and humane manner.”
Doesn't have to die from the car.
If an animal is severely injured but not outright killed by the vehicle, this bill also would allow the salvager to kill it “in a safe, legal, and humane manner.”

Legal is the hard part. Unless you come across a deer that was hit on huntable/shootable public land or land you have permission on you can't discharge a firearm to dispatch the deer. What are you going to do, tackle it?

A few months ago I saw a really dandy buck get hit. Around 180" and trash. Well, he hobbled around falling and getting up. He bedded in some scrub oak on private, but was thrashing around in pain. I had an archery tag on me and this deer was in my unit. If he died I could have legally picked him up as roadkill, BUT he was on private. I would still need permission to get the buck and the landowner obviously would get first dibs. If I wanted to fill my tag and put him out of his misery I still would need permission before putting an arrow in him.

I get it, someone might intentionally poach a deer and try to cover it up with this new law. BUT that person is probably going to poach anyway!

Get the law to state that a civilian cannot dispatch the deer unless approved by the authorities.

Call Colorado Parks and Wildlife or another state wildlife agency that allows picking up roadkill and ask them if they think allowing it causes more poaching.

Pass the law, require people to report it, and I bet you will get more good than bad.
Nanny state they’ll be afraid of lawsuits from people who eat it and get sick. Not that it would happen but the politician lawyers will use that to shoot it down.
Nobody is concerned at the possibility of this being abused by a select few scumbags? I hope they write this in a manner that takes this into consideration and minimizes the ease this could be used as a cover for poaching.

Do you mean that someone would report a dead deer that was hit by a moving bullet as a road kill? I think that if you run over a deer you have to drive by the Ranger station or something to report it...
Again, what do I know...