Coyote hunting on Camp Pendleton

There are coyotes all over the base! I see them all the time when driving through. I am looking for a archery hunting and coyote hunting partner. Let me know if anyone is interested in hunting this fall!

to my understanding they opened up hunting in pendleton for coyotes. I am ready to bust a few yotes out there when I go deer hunting.....
One of our club members (active duty USMC) was up deer hunting on Pendleton this past weekend when a coyote walked out into the open and got whacked! There are a lot of dogs up there.
rpm4463 said:
I'm not in the military but have done some wildlife management for Pendleton for several years. I'm not sure what type of access you will have to certain areas. One of the things we did was help residents resolve coyote issues around housing areas. If you are allowed to hunt in surrounding areas next to homes, I would take advantage of it. Especially in the early summer when adults are feeding on family pets and trash in backyards, within 8-10 weeks juveniles will be out looking for food also. We shot a lot of coyotes along the beaches also, but we had special access to those areas. During the summer one of their major food sources is ground nesting birds along the beach.
you usually cant hunt with anything but bow close to the housing and sometimes shotgun they might turn the bow areas to shotgun after deer season ends though i was mostly up there during archery season and always heard alot of dogs right before dawn