Does this Caribou make my butt look big...

It does kind of make your hair look white. Maybe it's just the lighting. We have come to expect no less from you, OUTSTANDING.
Such silly questions....

Muzzy MX3 to the heart is my preferred method of take. Camp was at 13k... hiked up to get to the caribou. Super Cub on wheels was our transportation. We watched the caribou in the distance for the first 6 days... lots of em but no good bulls. On the last day I said a prayer and believe it or not, them damn caribou turned around and came straight at us with bulls in every herd. We were done by noon. Took 2 days to get them back to camp. I love Alaska.

Moose 2025... I have to burn some elk points next year. Ed FIMG_3515.JPG20230902_094123.jpg