Field reports ASAP !



Anything going on right now ? For the people that can't get out today like my self, it sure would be nice to read a live stream of events from thd field
When it got light this morning I spotted 4 does. All bedded on separate ridges. As the sun started to shine on them they started getting up and moving for the shade. The first doe had a fawn with her. The others all had bucks with them. Unfortunately they were all in a no go zone. Still waiting for one to come this way
Went out this morning to try and put my 14 year old and nephew on any legal deer. Score today is deer 1 gtaem 0 as my boy who is not in the contest missed a toad, shot over him. We saw 8 bucks and lost track of the does, three of the bucks were chasing does. Seems early but the deer are starting to rut in this area.Good time to be out ;)
Went out this weekend. Saw one doe and checked my cameras. No action yet. Only a few doe pics and a coyote. Need a cold snap to kick it off.
Went out last night, seen two does running down hill as I walked into an area I wanted to hunt. Ive seen deer everytime Ive been out. All does. Only see them when Im walking around, never when sitting and watching..... :-\.
Got in the stand about 530 this morning, the wind was blowing pretty hard but not too bad. By about 7:30 a.m. The wind was blowing so bad my tree was swaying sat until about 9:30 and then left. Not a bad way to spend a day off, just could have been better if I was visited by a Buck!
Ya I know. Can u believe how healthy those yotes were every time I saw there cites looked bomb and they looked very well fed unfortunately
My wife is sitting in one of my proven stands right now. Doe / buck are both on the hit list this morning.

I’ll keep you posted.
Well……….. My wife is on her way home. No deer, and she had a terrible experience. Fell in the river up to her knees again and then slid down a hill and dropped her bow. When she finally got into the stand and all settled in she realized she forgot the quiver of arrows back at the truck……………………. She said she was cursing my name all the way back down the hill to the truck. (Not sure how it was my fault, but it usually is somehow.) Her quest for her first California deer has not been easy.