It is Time......Trump 2016


Staff member
Aug 3, 2012
Donald Trump knows the key to negotiations is be in a position of strength. The strength of our military is the key to our safety and the safety of others. He also knows the number one role of our government is to keep our OWN country safe. When dealing with other countries, 2 past presidents hit it right on the head...."Speak softly and carry a big stick" (T. Roosevelt) and "Trust, but verify" (R. Reagan). It is time to untie our militaries hands. Let military men be military men!

Our country has been blessed with the greatest of natural resources. It is time we use them to the fullest. Being at the mercy of others is NOT a position of strength. Again, a position of strength will help us negotiate, if we do need outside sources.

Donald Trump realizes that every sovereign nation has boundaries and rules of immigration. We as a country have accepted more immigrants than the world has ever known. But it is time, that we accept the idea that we need a fence built to protect our people. This is not a racist position. It is a position to keep our countries strength.

This country was built on Christian values. Religion can strengthen ones core, and as a country, we have accepted all religions and faiths. But when a religion weakens our core as a country, then it must be dealt with. I believe Donald Trump will deal with this issue with the appropriate action....It is time to say, it's the American way or the highway.

Our economy has been stagnant for years. We have lost American jobs to many foreign countries. This does not put us in a position of strength. Donald Trump is a business man. He knows that what has killed our economy is the governmental strangulation of businesses and individuals....Regulation upon regulation....It is time for common sense again and let American ingenuity take over.

Lastly, the United States constitution and the Bill of Rights are the two greatest documents ever written. They have been the foundation for the greatest and most powerful country on earth. To continue to deal in strength. These two documents need to continue to be our foundation. It is time we elect a president that will fight and appoint judges to keep them as they are.

It is time for common sense to rule again....Steve
Very well said Steve.
Trump is by far the best choice since Reagan.
We could all think of a better mannered person than Trump to represent us, but they're not running for election.
He's got the smarts, the sprit and the guts to RESTORE this country to it's fundamental and constitutional greatness, not just change it.
How quickly we forget what a huge supporter of Hillary he was. Or how he said he wants to raise tariffs which will hurt the economy by trying to get rid of competition. Or how acts like an angry child to anyone who disagrees with him, name calling daily. Or how he said Ted Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy(and yet people still take him seriously...). Or how he said he wants to bypass congress and make deals (weather you like it what he wants to do or not, thats 100% anti constitution). My best friend told me a story of how his father was at one of Trumps golf tournaments, and Trump drove up to the hole they were on and asked to bet my friends father $1000 that he could hit a drive farther. He agreed to the bet, and when Trump lost, he said nothing, got in his golf cart and drove away. He has NO INTEGRITY and I for one do not want that man to be my president, and I will not be part of the downfall of this country by voting for "the lesser of two evils".

The race is now Hillary vs. a Hillary supporter. And the side that supposedly supports the constitution love it. What has this country come to...
MattNewcom11 said:
How quickly we forget what a huge supporter of Hillary he was. Or how he said he wants to raise tariffs which will hurt the economy by trying to get rid of competition. Or how acts like an angry child to anyone who disagrees with him, name calling daily. Or how he said Ted Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy(and yet people still take him seriously...). Or how he said he wants to bypass congress and make deals (weather you like it what he wants to do or not, thats 100% anti constitution). My best friend told me a story of how his father was at one of Trumps golf tournaments, and Trump drove up to the hole they were on and asked to bet my friends father $1000 that he could hit a drive farther. He agreed to the bet, and when Trump lost, he said nothing, got in his golf cart and drove away. He has NO INTEGRITY and I for one do not want that man to be my president, and I will not be part of the downfall of this country by voting for "the lesser of two evils".

The race is now Hillary vs. a Hillary supporter. And the side that supposedly supports the constitution love it. What has this country come to...

You're crazy
Like many of you, I was a Cruz or Rubio fan. The fact of the matter is Trump will be the Republican nominee....I do not like his demeanor at times, I do not like his bullying attitude at times, but I'm sure of one thing, our enemy's won't like it either. Our country has been pussified, vilified, and walked on long enough!....If I'm going into a fight (and Lord knows we're in for a fight as a country). I want the bully on my side
stikbrandon said:
MattNewcom11 said:
How quickly we forget what a huge supporter of Hillary he was. Or how he said he wants to raise tariffs which will hurt the economy by trying to get rid of competition. Or how acts like an angry child to anyone who disagrees with him, name calling daily. Or how he said Ted Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy(and yet people still take him seriously...). Or how he said he wants to bypass congress and make deals (weather you like it what he wants to do or not, thats 100% anti constitution). My best friend told me a story of how his father was at one of Trumps golf tournaments, and Trump drove up to the hole they were on and asked to bet my friends father $1000 that he could hit a drive farther. He agreed to the bet, and when Trump lost, he said nothing, got in his golf cart and drove away. He has NO INTEGRITY and I for one do not want that man to be my president, and I will not be part of the downfall of this country by voting for "the lesser of two evils".

The race is now Hillary vs. a Hillary supporter. And the side that supposedly supports the constitution love it. What has this country come to...

You're crazy

What about what I said was crazy?
The fact that you think Trump is a Hillary supporter... And Just because trump reiterated a story that the National Enquirer publish years ago, he was telling the media what he read. Hell at least it wasn't 3rd or 4th party, he said, she said bs about Trump not paying a bet because he lost a driving competition on a golf course to some yahoo that was probably trashed ( there isn't a time I can remember that I wasn't trashed playing golf).
It doesn't mean anything he was just mixing the pot.

All the PC and libs want to do is chap trumps ass for being a human, that's rediculious. I can careless. He has ex wife's, he cusses, calls people by nick names, is a bully and everything else libs and PC people are saying.... Just back the party unless you want your rights stripped away !

He's a rich business man, if I was that loaded I'd be buying politicians left and right ... Capitalism baby!

Work hard, tear down walls to get where your going, and maybe, just maybe, you might find your happy spot

I hate PC bull shi$. It's awesome, Trump doesn't back down. It's awesome. He lets words go that make "PC people" cringe.

F Putin, F China, F all the bs that we as in every hard working american pays for!

Give him a chance, what's the worst thing that's gonna happen? He f's up and the next 4 years turns in to a joke????

The past 8 years was worse then a donkey show! Let Trump, be Trump. Tell the world to f' off and we are gonna take care of our selfs first!!!!
And raising tariffs won't hurt are economy. It will benefit it in two ways

1st...Outside company's will pay a tax to sale there product in the states, like we do for the rest of the world.

2nd... If those company's don't want to pay it, and let's say the product is semi worms (sorry Stevie). Some smart American like yourself can become an small business owner and produce such a product here in America. And yes, it will cost more, but I'll gladly buy American made than some other country's product.

With all do respect
Trump may not be the best man in "country" for the job, but he is a far cry better than any alternative being given. There are better people, but as said previously, they won't be on the ballot. I believe he is the strongest of any of the candidates since the beginning when it comes to fixing our economy. Which I look forward to enjoying when I join the civilian workforce in a few years. I also believe he is more likely to renew our faith in the Constitution and reinstate our rights as prescribed in our Bill of Rights. I also believe that him being him, we'll be at war again in the next four years. Honestly, this scares me. It won't be the bs war of attrition that we've been fighting for the last 15 years, but that we will be locked knuckle to knuckle with one or more of the big players in the world. It scares me, because I've already been to war. 3 times. I know what I signed up for, and I don't have an issue with doing my job. But now that I've been in for a good while, I now have two nephews in and a niece about to join this year. I've lost a handful of people I call friends over the years, and more that I could call brother without knowing their names. I'd rather not get into another war because he has a hot temper. As far as all else, I hope that the Cruz supporters can swallow their pride and back trump. Just so Hillary doesn't get in.

If she gets elected, she will choose a SCJ that will ensure that any swing vote will go her way. We will have our rights systematically removed with nothing able to stand in the way to slow that tide. The effects will be long lasting beyond the end of the next term. Your gun rights, hunting rights, taxes on what little is left to us and the list goes on just to talk about what is relevant in a hunting forum. Those along with other rights will be stripped and turned into unobtainium.

Previously it was mentioned that Trump walked away from a bet on a golf course and that was a testament to his character. Let us not forget Benghazi. Men died unnecessarily horrible deaths, on her watch. I take what happened there personally. That day was something unprecedented, and she showed her true colors then. She could have stopped it. I trust her as far as I can throw an elk. How she is even able to run for President baffles me.

Let us not be fooled by all of the name calling, the accusations and the general shitshow that is our campaign/election system. Untie your reservations with Trump. He is the chosen to run for the election. He is no more crooked than any other politician serving anywhere in Washington. Keep the big picture in mind and swallow the bitter pill (if that is the particular taste to you), Bernie or Killary will be bad for this country. With an SCJ seat up for grabs, this is not an election that can be risked to be sat out by voters. Whether or not you believe your vote counts, VOTE. Vote so that they don't get elected. If you can't serve your country in uniform, then at least serve it with a vote of what direction you want this country to go.

I say it again. don't sit it out. Vote.
It's already starting......
Well said s14.......Salute.


Everyone including Mexico realizes the wall is necessary. Vicente Fox is a politician and as long as Trump looked weak (as far as becoming the nominee/president), Fox could say things like he said.....Now that Trump has the possibility of becoming our president. The bad mouther's will be back peddling like crazy.

Trust me, there are people all over this world hoping Hildabeast is the president.....She can be bought and she's soft.....Trump IMO thinks of the USA 1st.....His thoughts are for the betterment of our country.....Why else would someone with such a rich life want to be president?

And yes......Get out and vote......Our great country is depending on you.

ps....Some will say he wants to become president because of his ego. People I've known with large ego's normally were winners and would bust their asses to be the best they could be. I believe that is what Trump wants....America to become the best it can be....Again.
Egos are one of the biggest reasons company's grow. I want to be the best and consider myself the best at sheet metal. That mentality/ego is the reason my business grows every year.
It's not official yet but most likely Trump will be our nominee. All of you #stoptrump supporters need to rally behind him. For those of you that say or have said "I will never vote for trump no matter what" you need to rally behind him because you don't want Hillary to be our next president.
This whole thing sucks.

Trump is slippery, in his world everything is negotiable, so he has no principles.

If it's good for business he might try take your guns (Hillary will try for sure)
He may or may not appoint a conservative SCJ (Hillary for sure will appoint a liberal)
He won't be able to build a wall but he might do something about illegal immigration(Hillary for sure won't)
He may or may not tax and spend your money (Hillary will for sure)
He is probably a liar and a cheat (Hillary is for sure)

There you have the situation for the next POTUS.

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