Reporting in from Temescal Valley


New Member
Howdy all. Looking for as much info on Coyote hunting as I can get. From the call/decoys to skinning and selling of the hides.

Oath Keeper
You might get yourself a trappers license before you go selling hides and get fines and free room accomodations.
Really? The ranger in the corona location made no mention of that. She just said "maybe you can sell the hides to a local taxidermist?" Crazy! Glad I asked. Thank you

Oath Keeper
that what i understood as well. no selling hides in california except with a trappers lic. Most rangers have no idea about hunting. the ones around me in the angeles forrest will tell you all kinds of wrong things. always refer to fish and game..opps fish and wildlife
GSPman said:
that what i understood as well. no selling hides in california except with a trappers lic. Most rangers have no idea about hunting. the ones around me in the angeles forrest will tell you all kinds of wrong things. always refer to fish and game..opps fish and wildlife

GSPman said:
that what i understood as well. no selling hides in california except with a trappers lic. Most rangers have no idea about hunting. the ones around me in the angeles forrest will tell you all kinds of wrong things. always refer to fish and game..opps fish and wildlife

A veteran ranger, at the dove opener, told me most guys coming in now have never hunted or fished. He said, "it's like becoming a CHP when you hate driving!"
msteiger said:
A veteran ranger, at the dove opener, told me most guys coming in now have never hunted or fished. He said, "it's like becoming a CHP when you hate driving!"
... or maybe more like a CHP who takes the bus to work and doesn't understand why anyone would need their own POV.