Haha, went to Costco today for stuff and went back to the tp section to see the hysteria. Did not disappoint. Hilarity all around. Joked with the cashier about the whole "pandemic" I feel bad for the employees. A person is smart, people are stupid.

Needless to say, I bought more stuff than I intended when I walked in, but none that was on the "hoarding list"

I saw facemasks, people running...full on hilarity.20200310_120108.jpg

Oh, I bought lots of booze cause that's how we roll.
Haha, went to Costco today for stuff and went back to the tp section to see the hysteria. Did not disappoint. Hilarity all around. Joked with the cashier about the whole "pandemic" I feel bad for the employees. A person is smart, people are stupid.

Needless to say, I bought more stuff than I intended when I walked in, but none that was on the "hoarding list"

I saw facemasks, people running...full on hilarity.View attachment 43311

Oh, I bought lots of booze cause that's how we roll.
Make sure the booze is at least 140 proof. That way you can make your own hand sanitizer.
Ugh... I can't stand going into that place (CostCo) anyway. The only times I would ever go in there are real early in the morning or nearer to closing. But I haven't bothered to go there for years now. You're seldom getting anything that could be considered a "deal", and the amount of time you waste being tied-up inside that store, as well as fuel to get you over to one... it's just foolish to go there unless you have like 2+ kids eating you out of house and home.

Everybody in there is just rude and dumb (at least the one on Katella anyway) and gets lulled into this habit of: A) Walking around aimlessly with their mouths hanging open. Rubber-necking all over the place and not concentrating on where they're going. B) Stopping right smack dab in the middle of aisle-ways and just leaving their bleeping carts right there in the middle without thought or consideration to pulling it over to get it out of the way of everybody else. C.) OMG the Monkey-See Monkey-Do thing is insane! Have you ever noticed that if you stop and show careful consideration to a product while you're in there, how invariably... some dumb*ss who clearly had no previous interest whatsoever, will now all of a sudden be curious to look at whatever the bleep you are checking out? D.) OMG... the grazers! No shame too... sending each of their kids back again and again so they can get enough stupid little food samples to suffice as their "lunch". And it's like everybody and their mama sees you doing it too! And the mgmt invariably picks thee absolute worst place to post up one of those free-sample things such that it blocks to a veritable stand-still the maximum number of people who could give "two Spits and a Truck" about whatever thing they're giving samples of.
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How many of you guys are over 60? I would worry that most states/counties don't have their shit straight. Our ECRMC has had a patient over a week that might have the virus but test results haven't come back from CDC because of backlog and local test they tried came back with errors. Perfect time to spend more time in the desert away from the crowds.
Stay safe guys.
Ok, I kind of get the masks and the hand sanitizer but what's the deal with the TP? Diarrhea isn't one of the symptoms of the Corona virus.
Dirty little secret is most people get a virus from touching something contaminated and then rubbing their eyes...... Best known cure for a virus is vitamin D, better known as sunshine. Another dirty little secret on how to stay healthy from ANY KIND of Virus is to drink lots of water during Flu season. A good rule of thumb is HALF your weight in OZ a day. So if you way 200lbs try to drink between 80 and 100 of oz of water a day. Booze and Beer don't count...nor do the ice cubes in your cocktail. The effect will astonish you. Your body will thank you. You heard it here first on "ROLLER DERBY"....
Another dirty little secret on how to stay healthy from ANY KIND of Virus is to drink lots of water during Flu season. A good rule of thumb is HALF your weight in OZ a day. So if you way 200lbs try to drink between 80 and 100 of oz of water a day. Booze and Beer don't count...
The other day I did this with IPA and I doubt any virus would want to invade me. Some Taco Bell did invade my stomach afterwards though.