Breakfast , naps and private property! Nice one! I want to hunt with you all! Congrats! I would say not the same buck but pictures over the net can be hard to tell. Either way hell of a buck for SD!
7 lions?! Oh my...... I carry two flash lights and two head lamps and extra batteries for all... also carry a pair of clear goggles with head strap.... nothing worse than getting whacked in the eye by brush in the dark. Get after that Bear... you have some time left till the season closes for bear.
Funny story...... back in 98 just out of high school went to visit my older brother who was stationed in Fort Hood TX at the time for the summer. We would buy a six pack and park at the tank range. lol one day Everything goes quit and we hear some chatter.... then some one says DEER! Buck walks...
Was this rifle season from what I hear.... doubt in velvet but possible I guess. Seen a post last night about it on another forum as well. Sounds like the shot was taken before legal shooting time as well. I know there is a lot of public land back in there some land locked or just out of reach...
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