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  1. fordfan1

    Old honey hole

    Yea I was worried that due to temp I wasn't going to catch anything but I switched baits and with in 20min I had both those fish. But then we got kicked out... It was a fun 2 hours though.
  2. fordfan1

    Old honey hole

    Just got back from a little bass fishing at an old honey hole I hadn't been to in a couple years. It was slow going but ended up getting a big crappie and a decent 2.5lb large mouth.
  3. fordfan1

    How to post an avatar

    Man that is super easy. I've been trying to do this for a while but wasn't asking for help. Thanks Surfnhunt!
  4. fordfan1

    First honker

    Nice Brice congrats!!
  5. fordfan1

    REI used gear sale

    If anyone is looking for some cheap back packing gear this sunday is the members used gear sale. Membership is only 20$ for life I believe and there are some killer deals. Best way to do it is stay the night on the curb saturday night then you end up top 10 in line. Let me know if anyone is...
  6. fordfan1

    Kinda crazy

    I'd throw that on my wall ;) ;) Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
  7. fordfan1


    Come on, a couple days later wheres he at?
  8. fordfan1

    Texas Hunt - Nov 7 - 10

    Yea that sounds like a great hunt and a lot of meat in the frezer. Even though I hate waiting, tagging out towards the end of a trip gives you more time in the feild which is always a good thing.
  9. fordfan1

    Rooster !!!

    Thanks for bragging... ;D ;D
  10. fordfan1

    We will be on top of the mountain

    Nice you got him! Story, story, story...
  11. fordfan1

    We will be on top of the mountain

    Thats a nice suprise! I bet it looked like a fork from 300yrds. Congrats on the nice buck.
  12. fordfan1

    My packs to heavy

    That's awesome I bet he loved it!
  13. fordfan1

    DFG Oak Grove Lottery Hunt

    I applied but just checked and it said I didn't get it. Still have 3 pending...
  14. fordfan1

    First pics from the trail camera

    Yea that is some good action. As long as your not getting people on your camera then its a good sign.
  15. fordfan1

    Quail hunting in condor zone

    Thanks everyone for your help. I ended up calling DFW in Fresno because I was getting mixed answers from everyone I talked to and the lady said that upland game birds are not included in the ban. I'm glad I don't have to wory about switching to steel. Thanks for your help.
  16. fordfan1

    Quail hunting in condor zone

    I'm headed up to Creston next week which is just south of Paso Robles in San Luis Obispo county for some quail hunting. I know that it's in the california condor zone but what I'm wondering is am I allowed to use lead shot for quail? I thought the lead ban up there was just for rifle ammo.
  17. fordfan1

    The better half of the "bow N Arrow Shop" sticks a nice Bull! (Renee)

    Nice! I only see one arrow missing, looks like a one shot one kill. I would expect nothing less from the Bow n Arrow crew. Congrats!!
  18. fordfan1

    Lobster opens tonight pumped is it midnight yet

    My buddy went out last night and got 13. One was 6.5 and the other big one was 5.5. I'm jealous!
  19. fordfan1

    Lobster opens tonight pumped is it midnight yet

    Nice! Yea after I posted that question I saw your other thread. Congrats did you cook it up? Did anyone get any bugs this last weekend??? I went out saturday night and did about 60 pulls and got one sting ray in an area that I did pretty well last year. Wondering if everyone had a rough time.
  20. fordfan1

    Bow n Arrow Shop sticks a nice Bull!

    Nice! Yea I heard Renee stuck one too, but it was bigger ;D ;D

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