I just heard seven of ten duck hunters returning from a hunting trip were killed in the DC aircraft collision. Three of the group were driving back home and were carrying all the hunting gear with them. Very sad way end to a hunt with friends. RIP duckers. :(
A local guide had two 73 YO hunters out for an Elk hunt. they spotted a heard when the got out of the side by side one of the hunters accidentally shot the guide in the back. He did not make it. I saw the story over on Rockslide. Be exceptional careful out there. :(
Biden should send a clear message to Iran for their plot to kill DJT. The justice department uncover the plot recently. Three Iranians involved in the plot are at large. When Iraq plotted to kill Bush, Clinton sent in a few cruise missiles as a message. Time for Biden to evolve a set, and do...
I'm getting very excited for the election to be over. Absolutely sick of junk mail and TV adds, and BS on the internet. I think I'll just go into a protective coma for a few days.
My nephews 14 year old daughter committed suicide yesterday. She hung herself in their backyard. She was the subject of constant bullying at school and on social media. They had recently placed her in a different school to try to get away form the bulyling, but the assholes kept at her on social...
What is this country coming to. thank god he is okay, but others were killed or wounded. This is a secret service F-up big time. Shooter was on roof a building less than 200 yards from stage with a clear view of Trump. Where were the helicopters. How could this have happened. If this photo is...
I wonder how many people out there have no idea what this holiday is about. I personally lost three of my high school friends to the Vietnam war. I went to the Vietnam memorial in DC, a very emotional event. Thanks to all who gave their lives and thanks to their family who also made the sacrifice.
I took the 17 year old grandson up by King City on his second pig hunt, and once again he will not have to eat tag soup. He passed up a smaller sow at first light hoping we would see better targets later on. She was with another sow and about 8 piglets. Not much later we came across a few pigs...
My friend who lives in El Segundo has these two for sale. Remington Sportsman auto 74, 30-06 with two scopes and a Remington 870 12 gauge. both with cases as shown. Sorry about not so good pictures but it's what he sent me. $800 for both. He told me they are in real very condition. I have not...
Being this is Cal. are there any law that prohibits shipping empty rifle brass. My friend in Az. wants my empties. I searched on line and I found everything except what I want,
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