As i said, I didn't mean to bash the gun. As we all know it's all about the user behind it. I'm just saying that people see what manufacturers are advertising and want to be part of the in crowd. They buy ar's because they want to feel important like the police or military, or see all the guys on the outdoor channel using them. They buy all the gizmo's for the rails, and think they are ready to hunt. Too funny.
talk about fads, Look at the ford raptor... How many guys bought one because he will look cool driving it, but has no clue how to drive off road? Im sure theres some youtube videos of idiots crashing them to justify my theory. What about bows? Pigman uses bear archery, how many people bought a bear bow thinking they can be like the guy on tv, but can't group within a dinner plate at 50 yards? Bet they still buy a deer tag...and I bet if a big buck is standing at 50,60 or even 70 yards they would try a shot too. That's just how people are. They want the newest and greatest to impress their friends. My prediction is that California will ban ar's once the bangers start using them anyway. Might want to keep a couple of those slow crappy bolt actions around as back up.
IRONWORKS, I worked for Christensen arms, and had buddies who owned ca10's, 308 caliber which guaranteed 1" Moa. I could get that, however, my wife, brother and dad couldn't. Amplify that out to 300 yards, the group gets larger and the energy decreases. Just because it guarantees something doesn't mean the shooter can make it happen.
GSPman, define bigger game with a 243... Last October I helped a coworker track a spike elk he shot with a 243 at 220 yards. We tracked it for 6 hours before finishing it off with a neck shot. It broke it's shoulder but didn't penetrate very far past it. Got a bit of lung and that's what we tracked it with. It was coughing up foamy blood as it went down into the dark timber..was a p.i.t.a to get out. I do not know what ammo he used though. Probably the cheap wal mart stuff. Couple years ago I helped my uncle search for a 300 pound bear in d-14. He had a 243. 130 yard shot. Lost blood after 80 yards, most likely due to the hair soaking it up. Anyway, must have hit the sweet spot between the guts and spine, because we never found the bear. He lost a big buck in Utah the same way. The animals can travel for miles when hit there. A bigger caliber with more energy would probably have broke the spine...just saying I hope you don't ever lose a trophy because you chose a cool and fast but smaller caliber gun