!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This would be cool to post your Big Buck pics! Here's a few u guys have probably seen already. Enjoy and keep adding to it!! Weather it's bucks you've shot or or just Big Bucks!!! I'm pretty sure we would all love to see them!!!
;D ;D I, myself, would die happily if i ever bagged any of these giant mulies also! Hope , u guys liked this new topic. Anybody up for some Whitetail? Hope u like these ones.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Congrats on those bucks !!!! They truly are giants! I appreciate u putting them up on here. They're great! I love the name also, " DEATH ROW!!! " AWESOME!!!!! ;D ;D
The green mile would be great also! Good morning and happy friday everyone!!!! The weekend is here finally!!!! Does anybody know where i could tag one of these monsters?
Look at the 2 white tail fighting,look at there eyes,and there faces.Boy they are not playing.Run away or die for the right to breed.Could you amagine if we had to do that once a year.
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