I've finally settled on a load for this rifle, and yesterday, I decided to try to take it out past 225 (the furthest I had previously shot with it). I started by re-zeroing at 100, and setting the zero stop (on my Vortex this is done by removing the cap and inserting shims). Then I got out my phone and ballistics computer app (Shooter), and dialed for 250 yards. And missed...and missed...again and again and again. I figured out today that I had a setting turned on that accounts for powder temperature, which was jacking up the equation. I shot another target at 335, and that was fun. But when we knocked that one over, I picked a rock up on the hill, and said "let's shoot at that rock up there!". I'm guessing the rock was 24-30" across, and my guess was that it was 700 yards away. My rangefinder won't go anywhere near that far, so we just walked the shots onto it. Within 3 or 4 shots, my buddy was nailing it dead center with his Rem 700 .308. I was able to score a few good shots on it as well. For the first time, I got to see bullet trace in person, which was really cool. We were so stoked to be able to hit a target at that distance. I got on Google Earth this morning, and was able to see the rock we were shooting at, and it looks like the distance was 713 yards! We want to take it to 1000 next!