Calls from the wilderness....... What drives you!

When hunting the ditches for pheasants you hear the wings flapping and the rooster screaming cuz the dog has got him as he's trying to fly away....... I get one or two per dog a year always the best sound for a pheasant hunter that hunts over flushing dogs.

The tail wag on that dog and the smile holding that bird in its mouth bringing it straight to hand!
I like the sounds of sleeping outside in the desert. Bugs so big they sound like hummingbirds hovering close to ear, every coyote within 10 sq. miles telling you they are there from a couple hundred yards and the burros braying like no tomorrow, all in the middle of the night...I love it.
The calls while deer hunting... The grunt of the bucks while they eat alfalfa at night by the morning they disappear. The yotes yipping letting me know they smell my carne asada. The kit fox or grey fox camp pet sneaking in for a treat. The sound of burros walking past the camp, me hoping they don't trample me.
The smells of the outdoors in the morning and the sounds of the world waking up are never going to get old to me. There's not much better than a morning out hunting with buddies where the sun is starting to come up and the whole day is in front of you. Rarely am I up at those times to see those things unless I'm out hunting.
The sound of a 600hp v8 waking up the world at 4am.

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The smell and feel of a late season bird hunt, when there is mist and you can smell cold humid herbs and earth and you take that last gulp of coffee before you exit the truck to put the collar on and release your Doggo.