Larry when it come to regulations yes there is some,
§475. Methods of Take for Nongame Birds and Nongame Mammals.
Nongame birds and nongame mammals may be taken in any manner except as follows:
(b) Recorded or electrically amplified bird or mammal calls or sounds or recorded or electrically amplified imitations of bird or mammal calls or sounds may not be used to take any nongame bird or nongame mammal except coyotes, bobcats, American crows and starlings.
I've done both but anymore just use the mouth blown.
Long time ago before the commercial callers came out my hunting partner and I built backpacks with
battery boxes with car batteries hooked up to a car stereo with a single speaker and a cigarrette lighter plug in for the spot light.We would take off cross country calling at night,hammered the coyotes with that setup
I don't call at night anymore,you can kill alot of coyotes that way but I think it's more fun to shoot at an animal you can see than a pair of eyes looking at you.
Both. I have been using a mouth call now for over 40 years. I just bought my first e-call back in March but, due to a shoulder injury, I haven't had it out yet. I'm getting twitchy to kill something, and the shoulder is mending, so...soon!
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