My wife has been coming hunting with me the last 2 years and both years I got my buck. First time she went hunting with me she was reluctant to go because she simply did not want to see me kill a deer. I told her "what are the chances of me killing a deer the one time you come with me". Well apparently pretty good considering we didn't even get out of the vehicle when a buck crossed the dirt road we were on. Dropped the deer and through it in the 4 runner and went back home. My wife never even got out of the car. Lol. The next year we went hunting one morning and hiked all over the place and didn't see anything. I told her lets take a ride to a spot we saw on the way up and see if we can see any deer sign. When we got there it was around 11am and and she decided to stay near the car while I walk up about 100 to a little knoll and check it out. Well not 2 minutes later I see this buck staring at me and took 2 shots to finally hit him. (Dead buck) Meanwhile my wife finds me and is freaking out because she didn't know who was shooting and what direction it was going, so she told me she was hiding behind a bush until the shooting stopped. Lol (my wife is awesome for sharing these moments with me). Moral of the story... Bring your wife you might have good luck. (D-11 zone)
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