D-12 has some stellar bucks. I have seen them in the past out of season and hunted them with a tag when it was easy to draw (not anymore), the genetics are great but the habitat is difficult at best to hunt. If I lived in that zone and could scout every day now I would live in pursuit of one of these. I hunted them big time back in the day but was young and stupid and without cameras that now exist. The challenge is the population is spread far and wide and thin. The density is low so unless you have a lot of years and no concern about harvesting soon otherwise you may run out of patience. I used to spend the entire season on foot from before daylight to dark on foot scouting and only found evidence of these big boys a few times and it mostly came in the form of foot prints and one or two sightings as I drove in at night. As Aeon said they are ghosts.
i think everyone has a D12 dream. i made it my mission to get one back in the early 90s. They are there and they are some nocturnal mother EFING bitches. jumped one in a draw but way far out of bow range. They are smarter than me so i went back to hunting out of my truck....
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