I usually use scents toward the end of the season, especially estrus scents. I usualy use the moccasin joe's mule deer doe in heat scents. Only thing is you'll need to play the wind really well. I usually use it by putting the scents aound me and huning down wind of my blind, I usually have to use lts of cover scents to minimize my scent. When I see a bck they usually already see me so I try to be prepared for shot. At times I will also use rattle horns and a grunt tube which I used last year during the last day of the rifle season to take a small 3X2 on Palomar.
If its your first time using scents, I would set up by having the scents up wind and set up away from (70-100yards) out of the wind stream. That way it will give you much beter success and give you some time to take a shot. make sure to us plenty of cover scents also.