Nick,Jason, are you just thinking because they might be over used in that area?
I use teal whistles just to add some sound to go with movement on the water. I am not sure I have noticed them turning birds and can relate that to just the calling specifically.
The wigeon whistle is a different story. I find wigeon ate very responsive at times and you can get them to decoy close with the wigeon whistle. Not sure if as effective in a crowded refuge scenario though.
The Dr85 is always on my lanyard. Mallards are stupid easy to call though in many instances. I find the dr85 to work well for teal quacks and gad quacks as well. Pretty versatile.
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I picked one up (a DC model) late last season on sale which by that time most of our teal were gone. So I haven't really had a chance to try it.. just curious. The whistle will have a nice spot on my lanyard though next to my crack pipe lol.
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