SoCalGuidedHunts said:
A little up date. Matt the guy that shot his hand is doing good and thanks for all the wishes. I have told him what you guys have posted and he is really thank full. I think we are going to video him talking about gun safety cause it can happen to anyone. We all just need to slow down a little lol
That's the way to do it: positive approach and help others avoid the circumstances that led to the injury. No judging... When I was a kid I worked in a welding and spring shop where professional long-haul truckers shared their experiences; the result of those discussions was that not everyone had to suffer the same troubles in order to learn from experience. Professional pilots and other disciplines do the same thing, and I encourage it at work now that I'm the senior guy setting the agenda. We call them "conferences", but it's just the same old "shop talk" to me.
"There, but for the Grace of God, go I."