Hit list buck down!

Great adventure out there today! Really proud of the young Gteam members and what they have become as outdoorsman. I'm sure Gil (gteam) will posting pics and story soon. Go Gteam!! :)
You guys continue to where out the deer. looking forward to see the pics and reading the story!
Well guys this was a tough hunt that actually started yesterday. We set out in the morning knowing that there was rain in the forecast, but we figured we could get a morning hunt in. It wasn't long after first light when Anthony spotted some deer about a mile away. We put the spotting scope on them and saw that one looked to be a good buck. We got our gear together and set out to get a closer look, at about 300 yards we could see that there was 5 bucks and 1 was worth going after. We came up with a plan and the stalk was on. The boys guided me up to the same elevation as the bucks and with the wind in my face I started working over to the buck. When I got 40 yards away I could only see antler tips so I crept closer. The buck was feeding away from me and as I crept closer I stepped on a twig and the buck turned broadside to look in my direction. I came to full draw picked a spot and released, the buck spun to run away from me and the arrow impacted far back. I couldn't believe that I missed my mark by so much I felt sick and now it was starting to rain. It was a tough decision but cause of the rain I decided we better start tracking and try to get another shot in him. After tracking him about 400 yards we jumped him with no chance of a shot. We watched him as he crested a distant ridge and the rain was really coming down now. It was a tough decision but I figured we need to give him time so we backed out. That was a wet quiet hike out, second guessing myself the whole way. When we got home I called my brother Fernando to tell about the buck, he agreed that it was a good idea to give him time. He also told me that he could come out and give us a hand tracking. We ended up waiting til today to go after him, it was tough to sleep. We got going early, the plan was to make it back to were we last saw the buck at first light. When we got to the area to my surprise my brother found blood and the tracking was on again. We followed it into a deep canyon and lost all sign in the bottom. After a couple of hours of searching with no luck, we decided to split up and continue into the canyon. The boys took on side of the canyon my brother would take the bottom and I would walk the other side. We hadn't gone 100 yards when deer started coming out of the bottom. As I moved forward the boys started to yell at me that the buck was coming my way, I looked down and I saw the buck working his way below me. He came by at 25 yards walking slow but didn't look like he was going to stop so I took a quick shot and hit him in the neck. He took one leap down hill stumbled into some brush and got hung up my buck was down! The recovery of this buck wouldn't have been possible without the the help of the Gteam. THANK YOU GUYS!!!!


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