Illegal grow in castiac


Just a quick post .

Was hunting in castiac last weekend, about 5 miles in cut a good game trail leading to what looked like an acorn tree. Followed the trail to those trees an came up on a grow field , waterlines , generators, the hole shibang.. found a scare owl they had used for ranging the entrance in at about 100 ft from a fully camo'd an brushed in hide. Pumped with about 20-30 rounds of .223, reported it to the rangers but fuck my buddy n I where lucky. Bottom line , be safe out there guys an hunt with someone u trust in high stress situations.

That sucks. Low lifes stealing water and public land. At least you were armed and could’ve protected yourself if necessary.
That sucks. Low lifes stealing water and public land. At least you were armed and could’ve protected yourself if necessary.

Ya we definitely got lucky. My buddy n I decided we aren't going back in that country without our sidearms/ extra rounds just in case. Was super happy I brought slugs with me that day , but still felt naked without at least a pistol on my side.