Just a little bruise.....

Thanks Mark.........
I'm no surgeon but was a mountaineer as well as a field medic A big deep bruise hematoma like this one especially in the cold can be life threating, at least one could possibly loose the leg. The clotting blood can stop the flow of blood the the extremity or a clot can break loose and you can have a stoppage in the lungs or heart. Not good. If you get the blood out the clotting will not be as bad and the pressure will be much less. These are the type of things that people like hunters that spend days far far in the back country need to atleast understand. We are all at risk.
Well Mark, since you ask, I'm impressed by his ability to operate on himself. But that small, superficial hematoma would never have been a threat to his limb or to his life. It would also not have been at risk for infection unless he opened it... oops. But having opened it, and having stuck his finger in it, infection wouldn't be a potential threat unless he stitched the dirty wound closed... oops again. If they'd called me to the ER about this hematoma, I'd have told him to go home and ice it and elevate the limb to keep the hematoma from growing. If he were on aspirin or anti-inflammatories, I'd have told him to stop taking them. If I ever went camping with this guy, I'd make him promise not to touch me except to carry me to a real doctor if I ever got hurt. My two cents.

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I would have assumed that he was perhaps days at least if not weeks from another form of help. I would not really agree with any one doing anything like this but at some times it may be nesesary to save a limb or life.
I said it before Carry a emergency beacon. Especially if alone. And read 411 hunters who disappear. I am not doctor or medic. But I agree with the Doc. infection is #1 killer. More people get sick from infections. It took serious fortitude to do this. Now let's go hunting.
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It looked superficial and it seamed seconds ago

But Russians who knows

Steve, get you some!
Hemotoma smemotoma!!! I remember a certain American who cut his entire arm off with a buck knife out in Utah a few years back. This commie has nothing on our boy. USA USA USA!!!
Well Mark, since you ask, I'm impressed by his ability to operate on himself. But that small, superficial hematoma would never have been a threat to his limb or to his life. It would also not have been at risk for infection unless he opened it... oops. But having opened it, and having stuck his finger in it, infection wouldn't be a potential threat unless he stitched the dirty wound closed... oops again. If they'd called me to the ER about this hematoma, I'd have told him to go home and ice it and elevate the limb to keep the hematoma from growing. If he were on aspirin or anti-inflammatories, I'd have told him to stop taking them. If I ever went camping with this guy, I'd make him promise not to touch me except to carry me to a real doctor if I ever got hurt. My two cents.

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God bless AMERICA and the DR's who know what there doing !
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Can't get a bruse like that road hunting, worst thing I could get would be a stain from spilling the spray cheese or dropping my beer.....
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Hemotoma smemotoma!!! I remember a certain American who cut his entire arm off with a buck knife out in Utah a few years back. This commie has nothing on our boy. USA USA USA!!!
You got the American right but the tool was a "cheap, made in china, multitool".
Rambo on the other hand...

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