I was big into Weight Training, since I had it all 3 years in highschool and grew A LOT because of it. But like around 45yo... my shoulders started wanting to tear apart whenever I'd try to push myself back up towards doing the kinda weight I could do before. Stung my pride bad too. It's hard to initially accept when your body taps you on the shoulder (pun intended) and says "Nay! Nay! We musn't do that!"
Having "custom-bends" to both my clavicles doesn't help either. Because of the "custom-bend" (caused by Fx fr MTB Jump where the Front Tire popped on landing) had to do Arthoscopic on Rt Side. they ground off a bit of the distal end of the clavicle because it was depressing into the Bursa quite a bit. Trying to do Military Presses felt like someone was stabbing you with a harpoon. Well, after they did that and repaired the partial tear... now theirs A LOT of looseness in that shoulder. So like, when I do DumbBell press (can't do barbell presses anymore, hurts 'em too much) it is only my muscles holding my shoulder joint in place, NOT the tightness of all the tendon/ligament structures anymore, because of the "subacromonial decompression" they had to do while in there (because of the bone pushing into the Bursa sac).
And then, 2015, the Wrist shatter thing. I'm eventually gonna have to go back and have them yank out that metal, is bugs pretty bad, especially on bicep curls, or other movements invoking the Radius bone, and thus the tendons rubbing along that metal.