My day



Got a late start. Walking into my spot I saw a doe. I didn't bother with trying to put a stalk on her. I waited to see if she would walk by. After an hour I moved on to a new spot I wanted to try. Wind was good for it today. Sat down around around 1:30pm. The wind was blowing at my face. I was miserably cold. At about 3:30pm I was thinking about moving because it was so cold. At 3:45pm I spot a doe to my right making her way toward me. (All day I had been hold my arrow with my bow hand index finger on my riser). My shooting lanes are between 30 & 40byards. She is moving at a steady pace. I draw but I am so pumped that my bow hand index finger does not let go of arrow. Knock comes off string. She is 30yrds at the point. I start to let down and she hooks a left. At this point she is completely to my left at 15 or 20 yards. I draw again. My adrenaline is through the roof. I put the pin on her and release...... Only it was the 30yrd pin. Arrow flew right over top of her. I was not thinking and I rushed the shot.
Oddly enough I'm not disappointed at all. I got to take a shot!!! Had I not screwed up on the first draw. I'd be grilling some back strap right now drinking some beers. Instead it's just beers lol.... I am happy as a pig in mud, because all of my hard work has put me in a position to take a shot. My season was a successful one before it started. I have 3 more day of this month to try again.
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Awesome, you got the right state of mind. Build off of the accomplishments and keep doing what you are doing. It will happen, good luck.

That adrenaline rush is awesome, one can only contain so much of it.
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Yes I done the exact situation.
That ol buck fever does strange mind tricks. I used the wrong darn pin. I am very sure it's happened a bunch.
Keep at it. Take big deep breath.
And regroup.
Sure is exciting.
At least you got that experience of drawing down on an animal. Next time try and slow it down a little and go through your shot sequence. This year Im going to get some Judo points to practice on small game while scouting.
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I am seriously thinking of going to one pin just like gun peep sight.
Zero out at 30 or 40 yards.
And use half instinctive.
Run some test this year practicing.
On my traditional I don't even use
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Was thinking on going to an single pin myself after a similar situation happened to me I shot under. But like you I was happy to have had the shot opportunity and that it was a good lesson learned too. Good luck on your next hunt!

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