oregon stand off

120 shots fired and only 1 death, feds need to target practice more. :). they should of taken them out the first night the took over the compound.
ivhunter said:
120 shots fired and only 1 death, feds need to target practice more. :). they should of taken them out the first night the took over the compound.


you mis under stand brother these men where sticking up for our constitutional rights.
Ranchers are being murdered and run off their properties by the government.
oh crizzap, I read somewhere that the ranchers knocked down fences and let cattle roam into private land to graze... not into it that much but taking over a building and having a town in panic is not correct in my eyes.. just a thought..
ivhunter said:
oh crizzap, I read somewhere that the ranchers knocked down fences and let cattle roam into private land to graze... not into it that much but taking over a building and having a town in panic is not correct in my eyes.. just a thought..

the government has been running ranchers out of business and taking their lands and or grazing rights.
wow crazy video... just read something totally different about when that guy got off with his hands up and was shouting "just shoot me just shoot me" and they did.. I hope they have video
These welfare ranchers want us to believe that they are on our side when, in fact, their values directly contradict those that value healthy, accessible, public country, and want public land to remain public. Their irrisponsible use of grazing land pollutes entire watersheds and erodes the country to the point of irrecognition. They want the land "back in the people's hands"? I call bullsh*t. The first thing they would do if given the federal land is post no trespassing signs. Ghost, I respect you as a contributing member to this forum, but I have to WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with you. What Bundy and his domestic terrorists were doing and how it portrays hunters, small town folks, and blue collar people everywhere, to the general public, is disgraceful. They are a pestilence that are better off behind bars.
SD Mike said:
These welfare ranchers want us to believe that they are on our side when, in fact, their values directly contradict those that value healthy, accessible, public country, and want public land to remain public. Their irrisponsible use of grazing land pollutes entire watersheds and erodes the country to the point of irrecognition. They want the land "back in the people's hands"? I call bullsh*t. The first thing they would do if given the federal land is post no trespassing signs. Ghost, I respect you as a contributing member to this forum, but I have to WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with you. What Bundy and his domestic terrorists were doing and how it portrays hunters, small town folks, and blue collar people everywhere, to the general public, is disgraceful. They are a pestilence that are better off behind bars.

SD Mike

no worries we agree and dis agree. I have studied what some of the land taken at Nevada were Ranchers that have been there for decades. these are the working Ranchers that supply free range beef. non GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) the grazing rights was established by their ancestors who first worked the land. after the same Government ran of the Native Americans. OK. now these grazing rights where established prior to the BLM as an organization even existed. The Land grab in Nevada was blamed on the the Endangered Turtle. right but in reality Senator Harry Reid and his Son had contracts with forein Corporations to buy the land that they had taken from the Ranchers. in fact the BLM had destroyed thousands of turtles. now the same thing as happened to the Bundys has now happened to the Hammonds. The BLM had started fires around their ranch, and they started a back fire to to protect their cattle, the grassland to feed the cattle. and their homes. and, or private property. in doing so they inadvertently burnt 100 acres of so called BLM land. then subsequently were tried as terrorist an were sentence to jail for protecting their property. The Bundy's were there to support the Hammond's for being tried as terrorist unjustly. I support the hard working ranchers that supply our beef as free range cattle.
so here is whats happening in our great country America. lets say there are Government officials want to broker deals with foreign powers.
and to profit they will offer the land of owners of mines, ranches and farms, at 1/4 of what the land is worth. some land owners don't want to sell because it has been in their families for generations so they refuse to sell. so these corrupt officials then put pressure on them by means of bogus violations and fine them, or then keep taken them to court on tax payers money until they have to sell their cattle, their ranching and farming equipment. and have gone bankrupt and now have to sell their land at a 1/4 of what it is worth. same as some Native American land taken from them so it can be sold to foreign powers for mining. this has nothing to do with hunting or the hunter. but remember some of the guided hunts are done on these large ranches, and is only possible because of rancher.
The Hammonds set fire to our public land to erase evidence of deer poaching.

Per the District of Oregon AG's office:

"Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property."

They were given a fair trial and found guilty by a jury of their peers.


SD Mike said:
The Hammonds set fire to our public land to erase evidence of deer poaching.

Per the District of Oregon AG's office:

"Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property."

They were given a fair trial and found guilty by a jury of their peers.



o they were found guilty of arson for lighting a back fire to stop a fire started by the BLM.
does that make any sense what so ever. not to me and other people.

Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46, both residents of Diamond, Oregon in Harney County, were sentenced to five years in prison by Chief U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken for arsons they committed on federal lands.

look at Mr Hammond 73 years old. wow a real terrorist if I ever seen one. really.
Per the District of Oregon AG's office:

"Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property."

sure they did , it fits the MO of a Rancher. yet when FBI shot the last rancher unarmed it was justified. right
Ghost said:
Per the District of Oregon AG's office:

"Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property."

sure they did , it fits the MO of a Rancher. yet when FBI shot the last rancher unarmed it was justified. right

The facts of that evening have not come out, but they will in due time. Until then, it suits no purpose assuming anything. I personally believe these people and their ilk do nothing but set our hard-won efforts back with their ill-thought-out actions. Good riddance. I just hope the remainder of events unfold without any additional people hurt.
SD Mike said:
Ghost said:
Per the District of Oregon AG's office:

"Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property."

sure they did , it fits the MO of a Rancher. yet when FBI shot the last rancher unarmed it was justified. right

The facts of that evening have not come out, but they will in due time. Until then, it suits no purpose assuming anything. I personally believe these people and their ilk do nothing but set our hard-won efforts back with their ill-thought-out actions. Good riddance. I just hope the remainder of events unfold without any additional people hurt.
Really your comments do perplex me. do you believe in the constitutional amendments, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and on. do you know what they mean? also did you know it against for the federal government to own land. http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/05/07/federal-land-ownership-is-it-constitutional/
Ghost, I've shown you respect, and I'd appreciate you doing likewise, instead of inferring that I neither believe in my constitution, nor understanding the rights it affords both you and I.

The Federal Government is responsible for the very existence of the land and animals you and I cherish so deeply. If it wasn't for the stepping in of our feds and putting an end to market hunting and gross ecological atrocities, we wouldn't be speaking on this hunting forum right now.
In regards to your claim that it is unlawful for the federal government to own land, article 4, section 3, clause 2 refutes your statement:
"The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State."
I won't cite a source, well, because it's our Constitution.
Article I, section 8, clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution gives the feds control of 10 square miles of Washington DC. It further states that land within the boundaries of a state may only be acquired if they first have the consent of the state legislature. The federal government is limited in it’s acquisition of land to four purposes, military forts, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings. Nowhere in the constitution does it grant the federal government the power to “own” millions of acres. The so called "public lands" that they currently control must be returned to the states.
so I get it your are for federal control , like the lead ban, ridiculous license cost, 2nd amendment ban. the right to bear arms.
I get your drift. the federal government has nothing to do with our rights as hunters. far as game management they are terrible at it .
this is the worst management I have seen in 45 years. so we are not going to agree. period end of story . and I have given you respect.
you can tell hunting seasons have for the most part closed.....

next up can i kill deer with a 5.56

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