Pick up a caller


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
Picked up a Jimmey Stewart predator e caller two weeks ago. Took it out in the local hills last week . Called in two critters but they would not come into shotgun range. Looks like I need to get a decoy as well.. What do you'll think ??/
It was fun that is for sure...Thinking about making my own decoy rather then buying one... My rifle would be over kill since it is a 7mm mag..
Nothing wrong with spanking a coyote with a 7 mag, last one I sent to heaven was shot with a 150 Barnes at 3000fps, above said critter was reached out and touched at 417 yards( I have witness's and head shot to top it off though not intentional) Check out the latest issue of Shooting Times and Greg Rodriguez's article about the 7 Mag and it's ballistic equivalents), It is one of the best accuracy wise combined with one of the lightest recoiling magnum cartridges around. truly one of the best to use if you hunt the west.
7 Rem Mag is without doubt one of the best Western cartridges ever made.
The critter Gitter made by MoJo outdoors works well and only cost $30.
I agree with you all on the 7 mag. Would be nice if they made a down sized load for coyote for the 7 mag.

I was thinking about the Mojo, Critter Gitter I like the look of it. Haven't found it at that price though. Would be nice... Been looking on Ebay, BPS, and Cabelas....
You can get it here for $35

Cabela's has the Quiver Critter on sale for $27.99. I have one and it really works well. Several members of my club also have and use them with great success.
I personally use the Primos Decoy. It is new out and I like it because it is small and compact. I did a little review of it from when I had just taken it out of the box.

I have owned the Quiver Critter and used it for a few year, I enjoyed it and it worked well. The only issue is it stated to fall apart and I didn't like the size of the unit. Smaller is better my feeling is. All you want is something to get there attention. Even a feather can work but this review of the Primos I have is another tool that works very well and it is compact which is very important to me.


See ya


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