Bizarre-o.. curious to know what's the culprit. Looks like that movie Avatar. Maybe it tastes like blue Powerade? A couple years ago I got a band-tail that its crop was full of red berries, and I swear its meat was stained so red from it. Nothing like this blue pig here but it reminded me.
There was a pig shot a couple years ago from central cal with blue fat as well. Not as vibrant but definitely blue. I can't remember if they ever found out why or not.
There was a pig shot a couple years ago from central cal with blue fat as well. Not as vibrant but definitely blue. I can't remember if they ever found out why or not.
Not good for human consumption. Green jeans advise from the other forum is bury it four feet deep to prevent other animals eating it.
Rodenticide is the culprit...
Yeah just read that. Apparently some anticoagulant rat poison carries an additive that turns fat blue. Wonder why the additive. Perhaps as a warning for cases like this, to prevent humans from consuming the tainted meat. Interesting idea.
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